PHP code example of zhuzhichao / umeditor

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zhuzhichao/umeditor library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zhuzhichao / umeditor example snippets


'Umeditor'        => 'Zhuzhichao\Umeditor\Umeditor',

// app/config/packages/zhuzhichao/umeditor/config.php

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;

$url = Config::get('app.url').'/packages/zhuzhichao/umeditor/';

return [

    // 图片上传配置
    'upload' => [
        // 上传图片路径
        'savePath' => 'upload/',
        // 上传文件大小
        'maxSize' => 1000,
        // 上传文件类型
        'allowFiles' => [".gif" , ".png" , ".jpg" , ".jpeg" , ".bmp"],

    // 编辑器配置
    'editor' => [
        // umeditor 根路径
        'UMEDITOR_HOME_URL' => $url,

        // 图片上传编辑器配置
        'imageUrl' => 'umeditor/imageUp',
        'imagePath' => '',
        'imageFieldName' => 'upfile',

        'toolbar' => [
            'source | undo redo | bold italic underline strikethrough | superscript subscript | forecolor backcolor | removeformat |',
            'insertorderedlist insertunorderedlist | selectall cleardoc paragraph | fontfamily fontsize' ,
            '| justifyleft justifycenter justifyright justifyjustify |',
            'link unlink | emotion image video  | map',
            '| horizontal print preview fullscreen', 'drafts', 'formula'

       // ...

// 添加css样式
{{ Umeditor::css() }}

// 添加编辑器样式
// 该方法有两个参数,
// 第一个为显示的编辑器内容【可选】
// 第二个为编辑器的attribute数组,可以控制编辑器的id,style,class等内容【可选】,默认id为myEditor
// example: Umeditor::content('', ['id'=>'textid', 'class'=>'text-umeditor'])
// 得到 <script type='text/plain'  id='textid' class='text-umeditor'></script>
{{ Umeditor::content() }}

// 添加js
{{ Umeditor::js() }}
php artisan config:publish zhuzhichao/umeditor
php artisan asset:publish zhuzhichao/umeditor