PHP code example of zhaohehe / zrepository

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zhaohehe/zrepository library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zhaohehe / zrepository example snippets

 namespace App\Repositories;

use Zhaohehe\Repositories\Eloquent\Repository;

class PoemRepository extends Repository 

    public function model() 
        return 'App\Models\Poem';

 namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Poem extends Model 


 namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Repositories\PoemRepository as Poem;

class PoemController extends Controller 

    protected $poem;

    public function __construct(Poem $poem) 

        $this->poem = $poem;

    public function index() 
        return $this->poem->all();

public function all($columns = ['*']);    //获取所有记录

public function paginate($perPage = 15, $columns = ['*']);    //分页,默认每页15条

public function create(array $data);    //创建一条记录

public function save(array $data);    //保存

public function delete($id);    //删除一条记录

public function update(array $data, $id);    //更新记录

public function find($id, $columns = ['*']);    //按id查找

public function findBy($field, $value, $columns = ['*']);    //按指定字段查找

public function findWhere($where, $columns = ['*']);    //按多个条件查找


$this->Poem->update(Input::all(), $id);



$this->poem->find($id, ['title', 'description', 'author']);

$this->poem->findBy('title', $title);

    'author' => $author_id,

 namespace App\Repositories\Criteria\Poem;

use Zhaohehe\Repositories\Criteria\Criteria;
use Zhaohehe\Repositories\Contracts\RepositoryInterface as Repository;

class CreatedInTangDynasty extends Criteria 

    public function apply($model, Repository $repository)
        $model = $model->where('dynasty', '=', '唐朝');
        return $model;

 namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Repositories\Criteria\CreatedInTangDynasty;
use App\Repositories\PoemRepository as Poem;

class PoemController extends Controller 
    private $poem;

    public function __construct(Poem $poem) 
        $this->poem = $poem;

    public function index() 
        $this->poem->pushCriteria(new CreatedInTangDynasty());
        return $this->poem->all();

use App\Models\Poem;
use League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract;

class PoemTransformer extends TransformerAbstract
    public function transform(Poem $model)
        return [
            'id'      => (int) $model->id,
            'title'   => $model->title,
            'author'  => $model->author->name

namespace App\Repositories;
use Zhaohehe\Repositories\Eloquent\Repository;

class PoemRepository extends Repository
    public function model()
        return 'App\Poem';
    public function transfomer()
        return "App\\Transformers\\PoemTransformer";


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Zhaohehe\Repositories\Contracts\Transformable;
use Zhaohehe\Repositories\Traits\TransformableTraits;

class Poem extends Model implements Transformable
    use TransformableTraits;

$repository = app('App\Repositories\PoemRepository');

$poem = $repository->find(1);    //获取被转换过的查询结果

dd( $poem );    //这会返回一个按照Poemtransformer定义过的数组


$poem = $repository->skipTransformer()->find(1);    //跳过transformer,返回原始的数据模型查询结果

dd( $poem );    //这会返回一个普通model的查询结果
dd( $posem->transform() );    //调用$poem的

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Zhaohehe\Repositories\Traits\ModelEventTraits;
use Zhaohehe\Repositories\Contracts\ModelEventInterface;

class Poem extends Model implements ModelEventInterface
    use ModelEventTraits;

    protected $fillable = [


namespace App\Repositories;

use Zhaohehe\Repositories\Eloquent\Repository;

class PoemRepository extends Repository
    public function model()
        return 'App\Models\Poem';

    public function onCreated()
        //do something

function onCreating();
function onCreated();

function onUpdating();
function onUpdated();

function onSaving();
function onSaved();

function onDeleting();
function onDeleted();
php artisan make:repository Poem --model Poem
php artisan make:transformer Poem