PHP code example of zfcampus / zf-console

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zfcampus/zf-console library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zfcampus / zf-console example snippets

$route = new ZF\Console\Route(
    $constraints, // optional
    $defaults,    // optional
    $aliases,     // optional
    $filters,     // optional
    $validators   // optional

// config/routes.php

return array(
        'name'  => 'self-update',
        'description' => 'When executed via the Phar file, performs a self-update by querying
the package repository. If successful, it will report the new version.',
        'short_description' => 'Perform a self-update of the script',
        'name' => 'build',
        'route' => '<package> [--target=]',
        'description' => 'Build a package, using <package> as the package filename, and --target
as the application directory to be packaged.',
        'short_description' => 'Build a package',
        'options_descriptions' => array(
            '<package>' => 'Package filename to build',
            '--target'  => 'Name of the application directory to package; defaults to current working directory',
        'defaults' => array(
            'target' => getcwd(), // default to current working directory
        'handler' => 'My\Builder',

$dispatcher = new ZF\Console\Dispatcher;
$dispatcher->map('some-command-name', $callable)

function (\ZF\Console\Route $route, \Zend\Console\Adapter\AdapterInterface $console) {

use My\SelfUpdate;
use Zend\Console\Console;
use ZF\Console\Application;
use ZF\Console\Dispatcher;

$dispatcher->map('build', 'My\Build');

$application = new Application(

$dispatcher->map('help', $myCustomHelpCommand);
$dispatcher->map('version', $myVersionCommand);

$application->setBanner('Some ASCI art for a banner!'); // string
$application->setBanner(function ($console) {           // callable
        $console->colorize('Builder', \Zend\Console\ColorInterface::BLUE)
        . ' - for building deployment packages'
    $console->writeLine('Usage:', \Zend\Console\ColorInterface::GREEN);
    $console->writeLine(' ' . basename(__FILE__) . ' command [options]');

$application->setFooter('Copyright 2014 Zend Technologies');

> $application->setBannerDisabledForUserCommands(true);

> $application->setBanner(null);
> $application->setFooter(null);

namespace ZF\Console;

use Zend\Console\Adapter\AdapterInterface as ConsoleAdapter;

interface DispatcherInterface
     * Map a command name to its handler.
     * @param string $command
     * @param callable|string $command A callable command, or a string service
     *     or class name to use as a handler.
     * @return self Should implement a fluent interface.
    public function map($command, $callable);

     * Does the dispatcher have a handler for the given command?
     * @param string $command
     * @return bool
    public function has($command);

     * Dispatch a routed command to its handler.
     * @param Route $route
     * @param ConsoleAdapter $console
     * @return int The exit status code from the command.
    public function dispatch(Route $route, ConsoleAdapter $console);

$application = new Application('App', 1.0, $routes, null, $dispatcher);

$serviceManager = new ServiceManager(/* ... */);

// use `zend-servicemanager` as container
$dispatcher = new Dispatcher($serviceManager);

$application = new Application('App', 1.0, $routes, null, $dispatcher);




use Zend\Console\Console;
use Zend\Console\ColorInterface as Color;
use ZF\Console\Application;
use ZF\Console\Dispatcher;


$dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
$dispatcher->map('build', function ($route, $console) use ($buildModel) {
    $opts = $route->getMatches();
    $result = $buildModel->build($opts['package'], $opts['target']);
    if (! $result) {
        $console->writeLine('Error building package!', Color::WHITE, Color::RED);
        return 1;

    $console->writeLine('Finished building package ' . $opts['package'], Color::GREEN);
    return 0;

$application = new Application(
            'name' => 'build',
            'route' => 'build <package> [--target=]',
            'description' => 'Build a package, using <package> as the package filename, and --target
    as the application directory to be packaged.',
            'short_description' => 'Build a package',
            'options_descriptions' => array(
                '<package>' => 'Package filename to build',
                '--target'  => 'Name of the application directory to package; defaults to current working directory',
            'defaults' => array(
                'target' => getcwd(), // default to current working directory
$exit = $application->run();

// config/routes.php

use Zend\Filter\Callback as CallbackFilter;

return array(
        'name' => 'filter',
        'route' => 'filter [--exclude=]',
        'default' => array(
            'exclude' => array(),
        'filters' => array(
            'exclude' => new CallbackFilter(function ($value) {
                if (! is_string($value)) {
                    return $value;
                $exclude = explode(',', $value);
                array_walk($exclude, 'trim');
                return $exclude;

  // config/routes.php
  use ZF\Console\Filter\Explode as ExplodeFilter;
  return array(
          'name' => 'filter',
          'route' => 'filter [--exclude=]',
          'default' => array(
              'exclude' => array(),
          'filters' => array(
              'exclude' => new ExplodeFilter(','),

  // config/routes.php
  use ZF\Console\Filter\Json as JsonFilter;
  return array(
          'name' => 'filter',
          'route' => 'filter [--exclude=]',
          'default' => array(
              'exclude' => array(),
          'filters' => array(
              'exclude' => new JsonFilter(),

  // config/routes.php
  use ZF\Console\Filter\QueryString;
  return array(
          'name' => 'filter',
          'route' => 'filter [--exclude=]',
          'default' => array(
              'exclude' => array(),
          'filters' => array(
              'exclude' => new QueryString(),

$dispatcher->map('some-command', function ($route, $console) {
    $console->writeLine('Executing some-command!');
    "hp": ">=5.3.23",
        "zfcampus/zf-console": "~1.0-dev"
    "bin": ["script.php"]