1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zero-to-prod/data-model library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
zero-to-prod / data-model example snippets
class User
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
public string $name;
public int $age;
class Address
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
public string $street;
public string $city;
class User
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
public string $username;
public Address $address;
$User = User::from([
'username' => 'John Doe',
'address' => [
'street' => '123 Main St',
'city' => 'Hometown',
echo $User->address->city; // Outputs: Hometown
'ignore' // ignores a property
// Re-map a key to a property of a different name
'from' => 'key',
// Runs before 'cast'
'pre' => [MyClass::class, 'preHook']
// Targets the static method: `MyClass::methodName()`
'cast' => [MyClass::class, 'castMethod'],
// 'cast' => 'my_func', // alternately target a function
// Runs after 'cast' passing the resolved value as `$value`
'post' => [MyClass::class, 'postHook']
'default' => 'value',
use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;
class User
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
#[Describe(['cast' => [self::class, 'firstName'], 'function' => 'strtoupper'])]
public string $first_name;
#[Describe(['cast' => 'uppercase'])]
public string $last_name;
#[Describe(['cast' => [self::class, 'fullName']])]
public string $full_name;
private static function firstName(mixed $value, array $context, ?\ReflectionAttribute $ReflectionAttribute, \ReflectionProperty $ReflectionProperty): string
return $ReflectionAttribute->getArguments()[0]['function']($value);
public static function fullName(mixed $value, array $context, ?\ReflectionAttribute $Attribute, \ReflectionProperty $Property): string
return "{$context['first_name']} {$context['last_name']}";
function uppercase(mixed $value, array $context){
return strtoupper($value);
$User = User::from([
'first_name' => 'Jane',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
$User->first_name; // 'JANE'
$User->last_name; // 'DOE'
$User->full_name; // 'Jane Doe'
use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;
class BaseClass
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
#[Describe(['pre' => [self::class, 'pre'], 'message' => 'Value too large.'])]
public int $int;
public static function pre(mixed $value, array $context, ?\ReflectionAttribute $Attribute, \ReflectionProperty $Property): void
if ($value > 10) {
throw new \RuntimeException($Attribute->getArguments()[0]['message']);
use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;
class BaseClass
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
public const int = 'int';
#[Describe(['post' => [self::class, 'post'], 'message' => 'Value too large.'])]
public int $int;
public static function post(mixed $value, array $context, ?\ReflectionAttribute $Attribute, \ReflectionProperty $Property): void
if ($value > 10) {
throw new \RuntimeException($value.$Attribute->getArguments()[0]['message']);
use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;
class User
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
public string $first_name;
public string $last_name;
public string $fullName;
public function lastName(mixed $value, array $context, ?\ReflectionAttribute $Attribute, \ReflectionProperty $Property): string
return strtoupper($value);
public function fullName(mixed $value, array $context, ?\ReflectionAttribute $Attribute, \ReflectionProperty $Property): string
return "{$context['first_name']} {$context['last_name']}";
$User = User::from([
'first_name' => 'Jane',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
$User->first_name; // 'Jane'
$User->last_name; // 'DOE'
$User->fullName; // 'Jane Doe'
use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;
function uppercase(mixed $value, array $context){
return strtoupper($value);
'cast' => [
'string' => 'uppercase',
\DateTimeImmutable::class => [self::class, 'toDateTimeImmutable'],
class User
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
public string $first_name;
public DateTimeImmutable $registered;
public static function toDateTimeImmutable(mixed $value, array $context): DateTimeImmutable
return new DateTimeImmutable($value);
$User = User::from([
'first_name' => 'Jane',
'registered' => '2015-10-04 17:24:43.000000',
$User->first_name; // 'JANE'
$User->registered->format('l'); // 'Sunday'
use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;
class User
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
#[Describe(['Throws PropertyRequiredException exception: Property: username is
use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;
class User
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
#[Describe(['default' => 'N/A'])]
public string $username;
$User = User::from();
echo $User->username // 'N/A'
use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;
#[Describe(['nullable' => true])]
class User
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
public ?string $name;
#[Describe(['nullable' => true])]
public ?int $age;
$User = User::from();
echo $User->name; // null
echo $User->age; // null
use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;
class User
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
#[Describe(['from' => 'firstName'])]
public string $first_name;
$User = User::from([
'firstName' => 'John',
echo $User->first_name; // John
use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;
class User
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
public string $name;
#[Describe(['ignore' => true])]
public int $age;
use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;
class User
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
#[Describe(['from' => 'firstName'])]
public string $first_name;
$User = User::from([
'name' => 'John Doe',
'age' => '30',
isset($User->age); // false
class User
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
public string $name;
public function __construct(array $data = [])
self::from($data, $this);
$User = new User([
'name' => 'Jane Doe',
echo $User->name; // 'Jane Doe';
use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;
class User
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;
/** @var Alias[] $Aliases */
'cast' => [self::class, 'mapOf'], // Use the mapOf helper method
'type' => Alias::class, // Target type for each item
public array $Aliases;
class Alias
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
public string $name;
$User = User::from([
'Aliases' => [
['name' => 'John Doe'],
['name' => 'John Smith'],
echo $User->Aliases[0]->name; // Outputs: John Doe
echo $User->Aliases[1]->name; // Outputs: John Smith
use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;
class User
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;
/** @var Collection<int, Alias> $Aliases */
'cast' => [self::class, 'mapOf'],
'type' => Alias::class,
public \Illuminate\Support\Collection $Aliases;
class Alias
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
public string $name;
$User = User::from([
'Aliases' => [
['name' => 'John Doe'],
['name' => 'John Smith'],
echo $User->Aliases->first()->name; // Outputs: John Doe
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;
readonly class FullName
use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
'pre' => [self::class, 'validate'],
'rule' => 'min:2'
public string $first_name;
public static function validate(mixed $value, array $context, ?\ReflectionAttribute $Attribute): void
$validator = Validator::make(['value' => $value], ['value' => $Attribute?->getArguments()[0]['rule']]);
if ($validator->fails()) {
throw new \RuntimeException($validator->errors()->toJson());
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