1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zero-bounce/sdk library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
zero-bounce / sdk example snippets
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use ZeroBounce\SDK\ZeroBounce;
class ZeroBounceTest extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'app:zero-bounce-test';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Command description';
* Execute the console command.
public function handle()
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->getCredits();
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBValidateResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->validate(
"<EMAIL_ADDRESS>", // The email address you want to validate
"<IP_ADDRESS>" // The IP Address the email signed up from (Can be blank)
// can be: valid, invalid, catch-all, unknown, spamtrap, abuse, do_not_mail
$status = $response->status;
/** @var response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBBatchValidateResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->validateBatch([
"EMAIL_ADDRESS_1", // Email address that needs to be validated
// or
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->validateBatch([
["EMAIL_ADDRESS_1", "IP_ADDRESS_1"], // Email and IP address that need to be validated
// =>
$response->emailBatch // array of ZBValidateReponse type objects
$startDate = new DateTime("-1 month"); // The start date of when you want to view API usage
$endDate = new DateTime(); // The end date of when you want to view API usage
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBApiUsageResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->getApiUsage($startDate, $endDate);
$usage = $response->total;
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBSendFileResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->sendFile(
"<FILE_PATH>", // The csv or txt file
"<EMAIL_ADDRESS_COLUMN>", // The column index of the email address in the file. Index starts at 1
"<RETURN_URL>", // The URL will be used as a callback after the file is sent
"<FIRST_NAME_COLUMN>", // The column index of the user's first name in the file
"<LAST_NAME_COLUMN>", // The column index of the user's last name in the file
"<GENDER_COLUMN>", // The column index of the user's gender in the file
"<IP_ADDRESS_COLUMN>", // The column index of the IP address in the file
"<HAS_HEADER_ROW>" // If the first row from the submitted file is a header row. True or False
$fileId = $response->fileId; // e.g. "aaaaaaaa-zzzz-xxxx-yyyy-5003727fffff"
$fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The file ID received from "sendFile" response
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBFileStatusResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->fileStatus($fileId);
$status = $response->fileStatus; // e.g. "Complete"
$fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The file ID received from "sendFile" response
$downloadPath = "<DOWNLOAD_PATH>"; // The path where the file will be downloaded
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBGetFileResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->getFile($fileId, $downloadPath);
$localPath = $response->localFilePath;
$fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The file ID received from "sendFile" response
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBDeleteFileResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->deleteFile($fileId);
$success = $response->success; // True / False
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBSendFileResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->scoringSendFile(
"<FILE_PATH>", // The csv or txt file
"<EMAIL_ADDRESS_COLUMN>", // The column index of the email address in the file. Index starts at 1
"<RETURN_URL>", // The URL will be used as a callback after the file is sent
"<HAS_HEADER_ROW>" // If the first row from the submitted file is a header row. True or False
$fileId = $response->fileId; // e.g. "aaaaaaaa-zzzz-xxxx-yyyy-5003727fffff"
$fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The file ID received from "sendFile" response
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBFileStatusResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->scoringFileStatus($fileId);
$status = $response->fileStatus; // e.g. "Complete"
$fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The file ID received from "sendFile" response
$downloadPath = "<DOWNLOAD_PATH>"; // The path where the file will be downloaded
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBGetFileResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->scoringGetFile($fileId, $downloadPath);
$localPath = $response->localFilePath;
$fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The file ID received from "sendFile" response
/** @var $response ZeroBounce\SDK\ZBDeleteFileResponse */
$response = ZeroBounce::Instance()->scoringDeleteFile($fileId);
$success = $response->success; // True / False