PHP code example of zerai / openswoole-runtime

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zerai/openswoole-runtime library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zerai / openswoole-runtime example snippets

// public/index.php

use OpenSwoole\Http\Request;
use OpenSwoole\Http\Response;

        $response->header("Content-Type", "text/plain");
        $response->end("Hello World\n");

// public/index.php

use App\Kernel;

   return new Kernel($context['APP_ENV'], (bool) $context['APP_DEBUG']);

// public/index.php

use App\Kernel;

    'host' => '',
    'port' => 9501,
    'mode' => SWOOLE_PROCESS,
    'hot-reload' => false,
    'settings' => [
        \Swoole\Constant::OPTION_WORKER_NUM => 2,
        \Swoole\Constant::OPTION_ENABLE_STATIC_HANDLER => true,
        \Swoole\Constant::OPTION_DOCUMENT_ROOT => dirname(__DIR__).'/public'