PHP code example of zenstruck / browser

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zenstruck/browser library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zenstruck / browser example snippets

public function testViewPostAndAddComment()
    // assumes a "Post" is in the database with an id of 3

        ->assertSeeIn('title', 'My First Post')
        ->assertSeeIn('h1', 'My First Post')
        ->fillField('Comment', 'My First Comment')
        ->assertSeeIn('#comments', 'My First Comment')

public function testViewPostAndAddComment()
    $post = PostFactory::new()->create(['title' => 'My First Post']);

        ->assertSeeIn('title', 'My First Post')
        ->assertSeeIn('h1', 'My First Post')
        ->fillField('Comment', 'My First Comment')
        ->assertSeeIn('#comments', 'My First Comment')

namespace App\Tests;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Zenstruck\Browser\Test\HasBrowser;

class MyTest extends TestCase
    use HasBrowser;

     * Requires this test extends Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase
     * or Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase.
    public function test_using_kernel_browser(): void
            ->assertSeeIn('h1', 'Page Title')

     * Requires this test extends Symfony\Component\Panther\PantherTestCase.
    public function test_using_panther_browser(): void
            ->assertSeeIn('h1', 'Page Title')

/** @var \Zenstruck\Browser $browser **/

    // ACTIONS
    ->click('A link')
    ->fillField('Name', 'Kevin')
    ->checkField('Accept Terms')
    ->uncheckField('Accept Terms')
    ->selectField('Canada') // "radio" select
    ->selectField('Type', 'Employee') // "select" single option
    ->selectField('Notification', ['Email', 'SMS']) // "select" multiple options
    ->selectField('Notification', []) // "un-select" all multiple options
    ->attachFile('Photo', '/path/to/photo.jpg')
    ->attachFile('Photo', ['/path/to/photo1.jpg', '/path/to/photo2.jpg']) // attach multiple files (if field supports this)

    ->assertOn('/my/page') // by default checks "path", "query" and "fragment"
    ->assertOn('/a/page', ['path']) // check just the "path"

    // these look in the entire response body (useful for non-html pages)
    ->assertContains('some text')
    ->assertNotContains('some text')

    // these look in the html only
    ->assertSee('some text')
    ->assertNotSee('some text')
    ->assertSeeIn('h1', 'some text')
    ->assertNotSeeIn('h1', 'some text')
    ->assertElementCount('ul li', 2)
    ->assertElementAttributeContains('head meta[name=description]', 'content', 'my description')
    ->assertElementAttributeNotContains('head meta[name=description]', 'content', 'my description')

    // form field assertions
    ->assertFieldEquals('Username', 'kevin')
    ->assertFieldNotEquals('Username', 'john')

    // form checkbox assertions
    ->assertChecked('Accept Terms')
    ->assertNotChecked('Accept Terms')

    // form select assertions
    ->assertSelected('Type', 'Employee')
    ->assertNotSelected('Type', 'Admin')

    // form multi-select assertions
    ->assertSelected('Roles', 'Content Editor')
    ->assertSelected('Roles', 'Human Resources')
    ->assertNotSelected('Roles', 'Owner')

    ->use(function() {
        // do something without breaking

    ->use(function(\Zenstruck\Browser $browser) {
        // access the current Browser instance

    ->use(function(\Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\AbstractBrowser $browser)) {
        // access the "inner" browser

    ->use(function(\Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\CookieJar $cookieJar)) {
        // access the cookie jar

    ->use(function(\Zenstruck\Browser $browser, \Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler $crawler) {
        // access the current Browser instance and the current crawler

    ->crawler() // Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler instance for the current response

    ->content() // string - raw response body

    // save the raw source of the current page
    // by default, saves to "<project-root>/var/browser/source"
    // configure with "BROWSER_SOURCE_DIR" env variable

    // the following use symfony/var-dumper's dump() function and continue
    ->dump() // raw response body
    ->dump('h1') // html element
    ->dump('foo') // if json response, array key
    ->dump('foo.*.baz') // if json response, JMESPath notation can be used

    // the following use symfony/var-dumper's dd() function ("dump & die")
    ->dd() // raw response body or array if json
    ->dd('h1') // html element
    ->dd('foo') // if json response, array key
    ->dd('foo.*.baz') // if json response, JMESPath notation can be used

/** @var \Zenstruck\Browser\KernelBrowser $browser **/

    // response assertions
    ->assertSuccessful() // 2xx status code
    ->assertRedirected() // 3xx status code
    ->assertHeaderEquals('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
    ->assertHeaderContains('Content-Type', 'html')
    ->assertHeaderEquals('X-Not-Present-Header', null)

    // helpers for quickly checking the content type

    // by default, exceptions are caught and converted to a response
    // use the BROWSER_CATCH_EXCEPTIONS environment variable to change default
    // this disables that behaviour allowing you to use TestCase::expectException()

    // enable catching exceptions

    // by default, the kernel is rebooted between requests
    // this disables this behaviour

    // re-enable rebooting between requests if previously disabled

    // enable the profiler for the next request (if not globally enabled)

    // by default, redirects are followed, this disables that behaviour
    // use the BROWSER_FOLLOW_REDIRECTS environment variable to change default

    // enable following redirects
    // if currently on a redirect response, follows

    // Follows a redirect if ->interceptRedirects() has been turned on
    ->followRedirect() // follows all redirects by default
    ->followRedirect(1) // just follow 1 redirect

    // combination of assertRedirected(), followRedirect(), assertOn()
    ->assertRedirectedTo('/some/page') // follows all redirects by default
    ->assertRedirectedTo('/some/page', 1) // just follow 1 redirect

    // combination of interceptRedirects(), withProfiling(), click()
    // useful for submitting forms and making assertions on the "redirect response"

    // exception assertions for the "next request"
    ->expectException(MyException::class, 'the message')
    ->post('/url/that/throws/exception') // fails if above exception not thrown

    ->expectException(MyException::class, 'the message')
    ->click('link or button') // fails if above exception not thrown

// Access the Symfony Profiler for the last request
$queryCount = $browser
    // If profiling is not globally enabled for tests, ->withProfiling()
    // must be called before the request.

// "use" a specific data collector
$browser->use(function(\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector $collector) {
    // ...

/** @var \Zenstruck\Browser\KernelBrowser $browser **/

    // authenticate a user for subsequent actions
    ->actingAs($user) // \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface

    // If using zenstruck/foundry, you can pass a factory/proxy

    // fail if authenticated

    // fail if NOT authenticated

    // fails if NOT authenticated as "kbond"

    // \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface or, if using
    // zenstruck/foundry, you can pass a factory/proxy

use Zenstruck\Browser\HttpOptions;

/** @var \Zenstruck\Browser\KernelBrowser $browser **/

    // http methods

    // second parameter can be an array of request options
    ->post('/api/endpoint', [
        // request headers
        'headers' => ['X-Token' => 'my-token'],

        // request body
        'body' => 'request body',
    ->post('/api/endpoint', [
        // json_encode request body and set Content-Type/Accept headers to application/json
        'json' => ['request' => 'body'],

        // simulates an AJAX request (sets the X-Requested-With to XMLHttpRequest)
        'ajax' => true,

    // optionally use the provided Zenstruck\Browser\HttpOptions object
        HttpOptions::create()->withHeader('X-Token', 'my-token')->withBody('request body')

    // sets the Content-Type/Accept headers to application/json
    ->post('/api/endpoint', HttpOptions::json())

    // json encodes value and sets as body
    ->post('/api/endpoint', HttpOptions::json(['request' => 'body']))

    // simulates an AJAX request (sets the X-Requested-With to XMLHttpRequest)
    ->post('/api/endpoint', HttpOptions::ajax())

    // simulates a JSON AJAX request
    ->post('/api/endpoint', HttpOptions::jsonAjax())

/** @var \Zenstruck\Browser\KernelBrowser $browser **/
    ->assertJson() // ensures the content-type is application/json
    ->assertJsonMatches('', 1) // automatically calls ->assertJson()
    ->assertJsonMatches('foo.*.baz', [1, 2, 3])
    ->assertJsonMatches('length(foo)', 3)
    ->assertJsonMatches('"@some:thing"', 6) // note: special characters like : and @ need to be wrapped in quotes

// access the json "crawler"
$json = $browser

$json->assertMatches('', 1);
$json->search(''); // mixed (the found value at "JMESPath expression")
$json->decoded(); // the decoded json
(string) $json; // the json string pretty-printed

// "use" the json crawler
$json = $browser
    ->use(function(\Zenstruck\Browser\Json $json) {
        // Json acts like a proxy of zenstruck/assert Expectation class
        // assert on children: the closure gets Json object contextualized on given selector
        // {"foo": "bar"}
        $json->assertThat('foo', fn(Json $json) => $json->equals('bar'))
        // assert on each element of an array
        // {"foo": [1, 2, 3]}
        $json->assertThatEach('foo', fn(Json $json) => $json->isGreaterThan(0));
        // assert json matches given json schema

/** @var \Zenstruck\Browser\PantherBrowser $browser **/

    // pauses the tests and enters "interactive mode" which
    // allows you to investigate the current state in the browser
    // (   ->takeScreenshot('screenshot.png')

    // save the browser's javascript console error log
    // by default, saves to "<project-root>/var/browser/console-log"
    // configure with "BROWSER_CONSOLE_LOG_DIR" env variable

    // check if element is visible in the browser

    // wait x milliseconds
    ->wait(1000) // 1 second

    ->waitUntilSeeIn('.selector', 'some text')
    ->waitUntilNotSeeIn('.selector', 'some text')


    // dump() the browser's console error log

    // dd() the browser's console error log

    // dd() and take screenshot (default filename is "screenshot.png")

namespace App\Tests;

use Symfony\Component\Panther\PantherTestCase;
use Zenstruck\Browser\Test\HasBrowser;

class MyTest extends PantherTestCase
    use HasBrowser;

    public function testDemo(): void
        $browser1 = $this->pantherBrowser()
            // ...

        $browser2 = $this->pantherBrowser()
            // ...

namespace App\Tests;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase;
use Zenstruck\Browser\KernelBrowser;
use Zenstruck\Browser\Test\HasBrowser;

class MyTest extends KernelTestCase
    use HasBrowser {
        browser as baseKernelBrowser;

    public function testDemo(): void
            ->assertOn('/') // browser always starts on the homepage (as defined below)

    protected function browser(): KernelBrowser
        return $this->baseKernelBrowser()
            ->interceptRedirects() // always intercept redirects
            ->throwExceptions() // always throw exceptions
            ->visit('/') // always start on the homepage

/** @var \Zenstruck\Browser $browser **/

    ->use(function(MyComponent $component) {

namespace App\Tests;

use Zenstruck\Browser\Component;
use Zenstruck\Browser\KernelBrowser;

 * If only using this component with a specific browser, this type hint can help your IDE.
 * @method KernelBrowser browser()
class CommentComponent extends Component
    public function assertHasNoComments(): self
        $this->browser()->assertElementCount('#comments li', 0);

        return $this; // optionally make methods fluent

    public function assertHasComment(string $body, string $author): self
            ->assertSeeIn('#comments li span.body', $body)
            ->assertSeeIn('#comments li', $author)

        return $this;

    public function addComment(string $body, string $author): self
            ->fillField('Name', $author)
            ->fillField('Comment', $body)
            ->click('Add Comment')

        return $this;

    protected function preAssertions(): void
        // this is called as soon as the component is loaded

    protected function preActions(): void
        // this is called when the component is loaded but before
        // preAssertions(). Useful for page components where you
        // need to navigate to the page:
        // $this->browser()->visit('/contact');

/** @var \Zenstruck\Browser $browser **/

    ->use(function(CommentComponent $component) {
        // the function typehint triggers the component to be loaded,
        // preActions() run and preAssertions() run

            ->addComment('comment body', 'Kevin')
            ->assertHasComment('comment body')

// you can optionally inject multiple components into the ->use() callback
$browser->use(function(Component1 $component1, Component2 $component2) {

   /** @var \Zenstruck\Browser\KernelBrowser $browser **/

       ->setDefaultHttpOptions(['headers' => ['X-Token' => 'my-token']])

       // now all http requests will have the X-Token header

       // "per-request" options will be merged with the default
       ->get('/endpoint', ['headers' => ['Another' => 'Header']])

   namespace App\Tests;

   use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase;
   use Zenstruck\Browser\KernelBrowser;
   use Zenstruck\Browser\Test\HasBrowser;

   class MyTest extends KernelTestCase
       use HasBrowser {
           browser as baseKernelBrowser;

       public function testDemo(): void
               // all http requests in this test class will have the X-Token header

               // "per-request" options will be merged with the default
               ->get('/endpoint', ['headers' => ['Another' => 'Header']])

       protected function browser(): KernelBrowser
           return $this->baseKernelBrowser()
               ->setDefaultHttpOptions(['headers' => ['X-Token' => 'my-token']])

   namespace App\Tests;

   use Zenstruck\Browser\HttpOptions;

   class AppHttpOptions extends HttpOptions
       public static function api(string $token, $json = null): self
           return self::json($json)
               ->withHeader('X-Token', $token)

   use Zenstruck\Browser\HttpOptions;

   /** @var \Zenstruck\Browser\KernelBrowser $browser **/

       // instead of
       ->post('/api/endpoint', HttpOptions::json()->withHeader('X-Token', 'my-token'))

       // use your ApiHttpOptions object
       ->post('/api/endpoint', AppHttpOptions::api('my-token'))

namespace App\Tests;

use Zenstruck\Browser\KernelBrowser;

class AppBrowser extends KernelBrowser
    public function assertHasToolbar(): self
        return $this->assertSeeElement('#toolbar');

namespace App\Tests;

use App\Tests\AppBrowser;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;
use Zenstruck\Browser\Test\HasBrowser;

 * @method AppBrowser browser()
abstract class MyTest extends WebTestCase
    use HasBrowser;

namespace App\Tests\Browser;

trait AuthenticationExtension
    public function loginAs(string $username, string $password): self
        return $this
            ->fillField('email', $username)
            ->fillField('password', $password)

    public function logout(): self
        return $this->visit('/logout');

    public function assertLoggedIn(): self

        return $this;

    public function assertLoggedInAs(string $user): self

        return $this;

    public function assertNotLoggedIn(): self

        return $this;

namespace App\Tests;

use App\Tests\Browser\AuthenticationExtension;
use Zenstruck\Browser\KernelBrowser;

class AppBrowser extends KernelBrowser
    use AuthenticationExtension;

public function testDemo(): void
        // goes to the /login page, fills email/password fields,
        // and presses the Login button
        ->loginAs('[email protected]', 'password')

        // asserts text "Logout" exists (assumes you have a logout link when users are logged in)

        // asserts email exists as text (assumes you display the user's email when they are logged in)
        ->assertLoggedInAs('[email protected]')

        // goes to the /logout page

        // asserts text "Login" exists (assumes you have a login link when users not logged in)