PHP code example of zeecoder / good-to-know

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zeecoder/good-to-know library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zeecoder / good-to-know example snippets

use ZeeCoder\GoodToKnow\GoodToKnow;
use ZeeCoder\GoodToKnow\Repository\YamlFileRepository;

// The `GoodToKnow` object acts as a wrapper around the given repository.
// Every call made to this object is forwarded to the repository.
// The listeners are fired after getting the result collection from the
// repository.
$gtk = new GoodToKnow(
    new YamlFileRepository(__DIR__ . '/good-to-know.yml')
    // A dispatcher could be passed as the second argument.
    // If no dispatcher is given, one gets created

// `findAllByGroups` is a method in the `YamlFileRepository` repository.
// It returns a collection of `ZeeCoder\GoodToKnow\Fact` objects.
// (In this case, an `\SplObjectStorage`.)
$collection = $gtk->findAllByGroups([

// The collection would have the "Something important." and
// "Something important about both features." texts as Fact objects.

// ...
// Assuming the example above

use ZeeCoder\GoodToKnow\ParameterInjector;
use ZeeCoder\GoodToKnow\Events;
use ZeeCoder\GoodToKnow\Listener\ParameterListener;

// Getting the dispatcher, since we didn't provide one explicitly.
$dispatcher = $gtk->getDispatcher();

// Creating the ParameterInjector
$parameterInjector = (new ParameterInjector())
    // Registering parameters
    ->addParameter('%lorem%', 'ipsum')
    ->addParameter('%upload_max_filesize%', function() {
        return ini_get('upload_max_filesize');

// Adding the listener.
// The TRANSFORM event is fired for every result returned by the repository.
    new ParameterListener($parameterInjector)

$collection = $gtk->findAllByGroups([

// Now the collection would have the "Something important. ipsum!" and
// "Something important about both features: The upload max filesize is: 2M."
// texts as Fact objects.

use ZeeCoder\GoodToKnow\Events;
use ZeeCoder\GoodToKnow\Listener\TranslationListener;

// Getting the dispatcher, since we didn't provide one explicitly.
$dispatcher = $gtk->getDispatcher();

    new TranslationListener(
        // Assuming we have a Symfony `$translator` object.
        // The second parameter, is the translation domain. Default: "good-to-know"

// Now all Fact texts will be translated.