PHP code example of zdk / applestore

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zdk/applestore library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zdk / applestore example snippets

return [
    'routing' => [],

    'google_play_package_name' => env('GOOGLE_PLAY_PACKAGE_NAME', ''),

    'appstore_sandbox' => env('APPSTORE_SANDBOX', true),

    'appstore_password' => env('APPSTORE_PASSWORD', ''),

    'eventListeners' => [
         * --------------------------------------------------------
         * Google Play Events
         * --------------------------------------------------------
        SubscriptionPurchased::class => [],
        SubscriptionRenewed::class => [],
        SubscriptionInGracePeriod::class => [],
        SubscriptionExpired::class => [],
        SubscriptionCanceled::class => [],
        SubscriptionPaused::class => [],
        SubscriptionRestarted::class => [],
        SubscriptionDeferred::class => [],
        SubscriptionRevoked::class => [],
        SubscriptionOnHold::class => [],
        SubscriptionRecovered::class => [],
        SubscriptionPauseScheduleChanged::class => [],
        SubscriptionPriceChangeConfirmed::class => [],

         * --------------------------------------------------------
         * Appstore Events
         * --------------------------------------------------------
        Cancel::class => [],
        DidChangeRenewalPref::class => [],
        DidChangeRenewalStatus::class => [],
        DidFailToRenew::class => [],
        DidRecover::class => [],
        DidRenew::class => [],
        InitialBuy::class => [],
        InteractiveRenewal::class => [],
        PriceIncreaseConsent::class => [],
        Refund::class => [],

    // ..
   'routing' => [
        'middleware' => 'api',
        'prefix' => 'my_prefix'
    // ..

use Imdhemy\Purchases\Events\GooglePlay\SubscriptionRenewed;

class AutoRenewSubscription 
    * @param SubscriptionRenewed $event
    public function handle(SubscriptionRenewed $event)
        // do some stuff

    // ..
        SubscriptionRenewed::class => [AutoRenewSubscription::class],
    // ..

use \Imdhemy\Purchases\Facades\Product;
use \Imdhemy\GooglePlay\Products\ProductPurchase;

$itemId = 'product_id';
$token = 'purchase_token';

// You can optionally submit a developer payload

/** @var ProductPurchase $productReceipt */
$productReceipt = Product::googlePlay()->id($itemId)->token($token)->get();

use Imdhemy\AppStore\Receipts\ReceiptResponse;
use \Imdhemy\Purchases\Facades\Product;

$receiptData = 'the_base64_encoded_receipt_data';
/** @var ReceiptResponse $receiptResponse */
$receiptResponse = Product::appStore()->receiptData($receiptData)->verifyReceipt();

use Imdhemy\GooglePlay\Subscriptions\SubscriptionPurchase;
use Imdhemy\Purchases\Facades\Subscription;

$itemId = 'product_id';
$token = 'purchase_token';

// You can optionally submit a developer payload

/** @var SubscriptionPurchase $subscriptionReceipt */
$subscriptionReceipt = Subscription::googlePlay()->id($itemId)->token($token)->get();
// You can optionally override the package name

use Imdhemy\Purchases\Facades\Subscription;
// To verify a subscription receipt
$receiptData = 'the_base64_encoded_receipt_data';
$receiptResponse = Subscription::appStore()->receiptData($receiptData)->verifyReceipt();

// If the subscription is an auto-renewable one, 
//call the renewable() method before the trigger method verifyReceipt()
$receiptResponse = Subscription::appStore()->receiptData($receiptData)->renewable()->verifyReceipt();

// or you can omit the renewable() method and use the verifyRenewable() method instead
$receiptResponse = Subscription::appStore()->receiptData($receiptData)->verifyRenewable();

use Imdhemy\Purchases\Events\GooglePlay\SubscriptionRenewed;

class AutoRenewSubscription 
    * @param SubscriptionRenewed $event
    public function handle(SubscriptionRenewed $event)
       // The following data can be retrieved from the event
       $notification = $event->getServerNotification();
       $subscription = $notification->getSubscription();
       $uniqueIdentifier = $subscription->getUniqueIdentifier();
       $expirationTime = $subscription->getExpiryTime();
       // The following steps are up to you, this is only an imagined scenario.
       $user = $this->findUserBySubscriptionId($uniqueIdentifier);