PHP code example of zaman-ua / 2captcha

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zaman-ua/2captcha library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zaman-ua / 2captcha example snippets

$solver = new \TwoCaptcha\TwoCaptcha('YOUR_API_KEY');

$solver = new \TwoCaptcha\TwoCaptcha([
    'server'           => '',
    'apiKey'           => 'YOUR_API_KEY',
    'softId'           => 123,
    'callback'         => '',
    'defaultTimeout'   => 120,
    'recaptchaTimeout' => 600,
    'pollingInterval'  => 10,

$result = $solver->normal('path/to/captcha.jpg');

$result = $solver->text('If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?');

$result = $solver->recaptcha([
    'sitekey' => '6Le-wvkSVVABCPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq1bi0DJwx_mJ-',
    'url'     => '',

$result = $solver->recaptcha([
    'sitekey' => '6Le-wvkSVVABCPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq1bi0DJwx_mJ-',
    'url'     => '',
    'version' => 'v3',

$result = $solver->funcaptcha([
    'sitekey' => '6Le-wvkSVVABCPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq1bi0DJwx_mJ-',
    'url'     => '',

$result = $solver->geetest([
    'gt'        => 'f1ab2cdefa3456789012345b6c78d90e',
    'challenge' => '12345678abc90123d45678ef90123a456b',
    'url'       => '',

$result = $solver->hcaptcha([
    'sitekey'   => '10000000-ffff-ffff-ffff-000000000001',
    'url'       => '',

$result = $solver->keycaptcha([
    's_s_c_user_id'          => 10,
    's_s_c_session_id'       => '493e52c37c10c2bcdf4a00cbc9ccd1e8',
    's_s_c_web_server_sign'  => '9006dc725760858e4c0715b835472f22-pz-',
    's_s_c_web_server_sign2' => '2ca3abe86d90c6142d5571db98af6714',
    'url'                    => '',

$result = $solver->capy([
    'sitekey' => 'PUZZLE_Abc1dEFghIJKLM2no34P56q7rStu8v',
    'url'     => '',
    'api_server' => '',

$result = $solver->grid('path/to/captcha.jpg');

$result = $solver->canvas('path/to/captcha.jpg');

$result = $solver->coordinates('path/to/captcha.jpg');

$result = $solver->rotate('path/to/captcha.jpg');

$id = $solver->send(['file' => 'path/to/captcha.jpg', ...]);


$code = $solver->getResult($id);

$balance = $solver->balance();

$solver->report($id, true); // captcha solved correctly
$solver->report($id, false); // captcha solved incorrectly

try {
    $result = $solver->text('If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?');
} catch (\TwoCaptcha\Exception\ValidationException $e) {
    // invalid parameters passed
} catch (\TwoCaptcha\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
    // network error occurred
} catch (\TwoCaptcha\Exception\ApiException $e) {
    // api respond with error
} catch (\TwoCaptcha\Exception\TimeoutException $e) {
    // captcha is not solved so far