PHP code example of zakarialabib / flysystem-google-drive-ext

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zakarialabib/flysystem-google-drive-ext library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zakarialabib / flysystem-google-drive-ext example snippets

$client = new \Google\Client();
$client->setApplicationName('My Google Drive App');

$service = new \Google\Service\Drive($client);

// variant 1
$adapter = new \Zakarialabib\Flysystem\GoogleDriveAdapter($service, 'My_App_Root');

// variant 2: with extra options and query parameters
$adapter2 = new \Zakarialabib\Flysystem\GoogleDriveAdapter(
        'useDisplayPaths' => true, /* this is the default */

        /* These are global parameters sent to server along with per API parameters. Please see for more info. */
        'parameters' => [
            /* This example tells the remote server to perform quota checks per unique user id. Otherwise the quota would be per client IP. */
            'quotaUser' => (string)$some_unique_per_user_id

// variant 3: connect to team drive
$adapter3 = new \Zakarialabib\Flysystem\GoogleDriveAdapter(
        'teamDriveId' => '0GF9IioKDqJsRGk9PVA'

$fs = new \League\Flysystem\Filesystem($adapter, new \League\Flysystem\Config([\League\Flysystem\Config::OPTION_VISIBILITY => \League\Flysystem\Visibility::PRIVATE]));

// List selected root folder contents
$contents = $fs->listContents('', true /* is_recursive */);

// List specific folder contents
$contents = $fs->listContents('MyFolder', true /* is_recursive */);

// Upload a file
$local_filepath = '/home/user/downloads/file_to_upload.ext';
$remote_filepath = 'MyFolder/file.ext';

$localAdapter = new \League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter('/');
$localfs = new \League\Flysystem\Filesystem($localAdapter, [\League\Flysystem\Config::OPTION_VISIBILITY => \League\Flysystem\Visibility::PRIVATE]);

try {
    $time = Carbon::now();
    $fs->writeStream($remote_filepath, $localfs->readStream($local_filepath), new \League\Flysystem\Config());

    $speed = !(float)$time->diffInSeconds() ? 0 :filesize($local_filepath) / (float)$time->diffInSeconds();
    echo 'Elapsed time: '.$time->diffForHumans(null, true).PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Speed: '. number_format($speed/1024,2) . ' KB/s'.PHP_EOL;
} catch(\League\Flysystem\UnableToWriteFile $e) {
    echo 'UnableToWriteFile!'.PHP_EOL.$e->getMessage();

// NOTE: Remote folders are automatically created.

// Download a file
$remote_filepath = 'MyFolder/file.ext';
$local_filepath = '/home/user/downloads/file.ext';

$localAdapter = new \League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter('/');
$localfs = new \League\Flysystem\Filesystem($localAdapter, [\League\Flysystem\Config::OPTION_VISIBILITY => \League\Flysystem\Visibility::PRIVATE]);

try {
    $time = Carbon::now();
    $localfs->writeStream($local_filepath, $fs->readStream($remote_filepath), new \League\Flysystem\Config());

    $speed = !(float)$time->diffInSeconds() ? 0 :filesize($local_filepath) / (float)$time->diffInSeconds();
    echo 'Elapsed time: '.$time->diffForHumans(null, true).PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Speed: '. number_format($speed/1024,2) . ' KB/s'.PHP_EOL;
} catch(\League\Flysystem\UnableToWriteFile $e) {
    echo 'UnableToWriteFile!'.PHP_EOL.$e->getMessage();

$drives = $fs->getAdapter()->getService()->teamdrives->listTeamdrives()->getTeamDrives();
foreach ($drives as $drive) {
    echo 'TeamDrive: ' . $drive->name . PHP_EOL;
    echo 'ID: ' . $drive->id . PHP_EOL. PHP_EOL;


'disks' => [
    // ...
    'google' => [
        'driver' => 'google',
        'clientId' => env('GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_ID'),
        'clientSecret' => env('GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_SECRET'),
        'refreshToken' => env('GOOGLE_DRIVE_REFRESH_TOKEN'),
        'folder' => env('GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER'), // without folder is root of drive or team drive
        //'teamDriveId' => env('GOOGLE_DRIVE_TEAM_DRIVE_ID'),
    // you can use more accounts, only add more disks and configs on .env
    // also you can use the same account and point to a diferent folders for each disk
    /*'second_google' => [
        'driver' => 'google',
        'clientId' => env('SECOND_GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_ID'),
        'clientSecret' => env('SECOND_GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_SECRET'),
        'refreshToken' => env('SECOND_GOOGLE_DRIVE_REFRESH_TOKEN'),
        'folder' => env('SECOND_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER'),
    // ...

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { // can be a custom ServiceProvider
    // ...
    public function boot(){
        // ...
        try {
            \Storage::extend('google', function($app, $config) {
                $options = [];

                if (!empty($config['teamDriveId'] ?? null)) {
                    $options['teamDriveId'] = $config['teamDriveId'];

                $client = new \Google\Client();
                $service = new \Google\Service\Drive($client);
                $adapter = new \Zakarialabib\Flysystem\GoogleDriveAdapter($service, $config['folder'] ?? '/', $options);
                $driver = new \League\Flysystem\Filesystem($adapter);

                return new \Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemAdapter($driver, $adapter);
        } catch(\Exception $e) {
            // your exception handling logic
        // ...
    // ...

$googleDisk = Storage::disk('google');
//$secondDisk = Storage::disk('second_google'); //others disks

Storage::cloud(); // refers to Storage::disk('google')