PHP code example of yzh52521 / webman-throttle
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yzh52521/webman-throttle library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
yzh52521 / webman-throttle example snippets
//cat config/middleware.php
return [
// 全局中间件
'' => [
// ... 这里省略其它中间件
// cat config/plugin/yzh52521/throttle/app.php
// 中间件配置
return [
// 缓存键前缀,防止键值与其他应用冲突
'prefix' => 'throttle_',
// 缓存的键,true 表示使用来源ip (request->getRealIp(true))
'key' => true,
// 要被限制的请求类型, eg: GET POST PUT DELETE HEAD
'visit_method' => ['GET'],
// 设置访问频率,例如 '10/m' 指的是允许每分钟请求10次。值 null 表示不限制,
// eg: null 10/m 20/h 300/d 200/300
'visit_rate' => '100/m',
// 响应体中设置速率限制的头部信息,含义见:
'visit_enable_show_rate_limit' => true,
// 访问受限时返回的响应( type: null|callable )
'visit_fail_response' => function (Throttle $throttle, Request $request, int $wait_seconds): Response {
return response('Too many requests, try again after ' . $wait_seconds . ' seconds.', 429);
* 设置节流算法,组件提供了四种算法:
* - CounterFixed :计数固定窗口
* - CounterSlider: 滑动窗口
* - TokenBucket : 令牌桶算法
* - LeakyBucket : 漏桶限流算法
'driver_name' => CounterFixed::class,
// Psr-16通用缓存库规范:
// Cache驱动必须符合PSR-16缓存库规范,最低实现get/set俩个方法 (且需静态化实现)
// static get(string $key, mixed $default=null)
// static set(string $key, mixed $value, int $ttl=0);
//webman默认使用 symfony/cache作为cache组件(
'cache_drive' => support\Cache::class,
//'cache_drive' => think\facade\Cache::class,
'key' => function($throttle, $request) {
return $request->session()->get('user_id');
'key' => function($throttle, $request) {
return implode('/', [
//'key' => 'controller/action/ip' //上述配置的快捷实现
'key' => function($throttle, $request) {
$throttle->setRate('5/m'); // 设置频率
$throttle->setDriverClass(CounterSlider::class);// 设置限流策略
return true;