PHP code example of yzh52521 / think-wechat

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yzh52521/think-wechat library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yzh52521 / think-wechat example snippets

namespace app\index\controller;

use app\BaseController;

class Wechat extends BaseController

    public function index()
        //    先初始化微信
        $app = app('wechat.official_account');
            return 'hello,world';

use yzh52521\ThinkWechat\Facade;

$officialAccount = Facade::officialAccount();  // 公众号
$work = Facade::work(); // 企业微信
$payment = Facade::payment(); // 微信支付
$openPlatform = Facade::openPlatform(); // 开放平台
$miniProgram = Facade::miniProgram(); // 小程序
$openWork = Facade::openWork(); // 企业微信第三方服务商
$microMerchant = Facade::microMerchant(); // 小微商户

$officialAccount = Facade::officialAccount('test'); // 公众号

$officialAccount = Facade::officialAccount('',$config); // 公众号
