PHP code example of yzh52521 / think-cron

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yzh52521/think-cron library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yzh52521 / think-cron example snippets

namespace app\task;

use yzh52521\cron\Task;

class DemoTask extends Task

    public function configure()
        $this->expression = "*/1 * * * *"; 

     * 执行任务
     * @return mixed
    protected function execute()
        $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $this->statusDesc = $time;
        return true;

return [
    'type'  =>    'file',       //支持 file,mysql驱动
    'table' =>    'think_cron', //驱动类型为mysql时存储任务所用的表
    'tasks'   => [             //为文件存储时定时任务列表格式
        'demo'  =>[
            'title'       =>  '测试',
            'task'        =>  \app\task\DemoTask::class,
            'data'        =>  [],
            'expression'  =>  '* * * * *'

 * 添加到计划任务
 * @param string $title 任务名
 * @param string $task  类名
 * @param array $data   参数 数组格式
 * @param string $expression 任务执行周期,使用标准的Crontab语法,默认60秒
 * @return bool
 add_cron($title, $task, $data = [], $expression=null);

$data = ['name' => 'thinkphp'];
add_cron('test', \app\task\DemoTask::class, $data, '*/5 * * * *');

command= /usr/bin/php think cron:schedule start; 被监控进程
numprocs=1 ;启动几个进程 别改 扩展限制了一个进程运行
autostart=true ;随着supervisord的启动而启动
autorestart=true ;自动启动
startsecs=1 ;程序重启时候停留在runing状态的秒数
startretries=10 ;启动失败时的最多重试次数
redirect_stderr=true ;重定向stderr到stdout
stdout_logfile=/root/supervisor.log ;stdout文件