PHP code example of yuxiaobo / ant-cloudpay-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yuxiaobo/ant-cloudpay-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yuxiaobo / ant-cloudpay-sdk example snippets

$config = new Config();

$req = new Client($config);
$resp = $req->execute('', array(
    'out_order_no'      => '545454345', // 订单编号
    'scene'             => 'bar_code', // 条形码
    'total_amount'      => '0.01', // 金额: 元
    'auth_code'         => '28763443825664394', // 支付授权码:如果是扫码就是支付宝或者微信付款码对应的那串数字
    'subject'           => 'Iphone6 16G', // 订单标题
    'body'              => 'Iphone6 16G', // 对交易或商品的描述 [非必填]
    'notify_url'        => '2145', // 回调地址
    'cp_store_id'       => '20200901145300003099286200000650' // 云支付商户门店编号

$config = new Config();

$req = new Client($config);
$resp = $req->execute('', array(
    'out_order_no'      => '1651715489', // 商户订单号,和第三方支付号不能同时为空
    // 'trans_no'          => '12131', // 第三方支付号,和商户订单号不能同时为空
    'refund_amount'      => '0.01', // 退款金额
    'out_request_no'    => '131324', // 外部退款单号,标识一次退款请求
    'notify_url'        => '2145',
    // 'pay_channel'       => 'alipay', // 第三方支付类型,如果选择trans_no,则不能为空 [alipay, wechat]
    // 云支付商户门店编号

$success = $aop->checkSign($_POST);
if ($success == false) {
