PHP code example of yungts97 / laravel-user-activity-log

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yungts97/laravel-user-activity-log library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yungts97 / laravel-user-activity-log example snippets

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Yungts97\LaravelUserActivityLog\Traits\Loggable;

class Post extends Model
    use Loggable; // add it in here

# BaseModel.php
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Yungts97\LaravelUserActivityLog\Traits\Loggable;

class BaseModel extends Model
    use Loggable;

# PostModel.php
class Post extends BaseModel

use Yungts97\LaravelUserActivityLog\Traits\SkipLogging;

class Post extends BaseModel
    use SkipLogging;

use Yungts97\LaravelUserActivityLog\Traits\SkipLogging;

class Post extends BaseModel
    public $log_hidden = ['created_at', 'description'];


$post->logs; // get all model's logs
$post->log; // get the latest model's log
$post->logs()->where('log_type', 'edit')->get(); // get filtered logs

# config/user-activity-log.php

# only can choose either one of them
'mode' => 'full',   # the 'full' mode record everything
'mode' => 'simple', # the 'simple' mode only record the modified columns

return [
    # add your own middleware here (route middleware)
    'middleware' => ['api', 'auth'],

    # user model class
    'user_model' =>  "App\Models\User",

    # exclude tables for filter option
    'exclude_tables' => [

    # events to log
    'events' => [
        'create' => true,
        'edit'   => true,
        'delete' => true,
        'retrieve' => false,
        'login'  => true,
        'logout' => true

    # the mode is only for 'edit' event log
    # the 'simple' mode only record the modified columns
    # the 'full' mode record everything
    # supported mode => 'simple' / 'full'
    'mode' => 'full',

    # timezone for log date time (Change to your region time zone, or any other variation of the timezone key in .env)
    # UTC is the default the time zone being recorded.
    # define your timezone to have the accurate logs time and filtered record (Especially filtered by date time)
    'timezone' => env('APP_TIMEZONE','UTC')
php artisan user-activity-log:install