PHP code example of yumaeda / veritrans

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yumaeda/veritrans library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yumaeda / veritrans example snippets

use Yumaeda\Payment\Veritrans\Veritrans;
use Yumaeda\Payment\Veritrans\CreditCard;

$order_id     = <Order ID>;     // Unique order ID for your veritrans
$client_key   = <ClientKey>;    // Your veritrans client key
$server_key   = <ServerKey>;    // Your veritrans server key
$total        = <Total in JPY>; // e.g. 9999
$card_number  = <CardNumber>;   // e.g. '111111111111111'
$cvv          = <CVV>;          // e.g. '1234'
$expire_month = <Exp Month>;    // e.g. 9
$expire_year  = <Exp Year>;     // e.g. 2022

$veritrans = new Veritrans($client_key, $server_key);
$credit_card = new CreditCard($card_number, $expire_month, $expire_year, $cvv);

$veritrans->charge($order_id, $total, true);