PHP code example of yucadoo / bgy-neighborhoods-diagnostic
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yucadoo/bgy-neighborhoods-diagnostic library. Choose the download type require. 2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php. 3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
yucadoo / bgy-neighborhoods-diagnostic example snippets
use Bgy\TransientFaultHandling\RetryPolicy;
use Bgy\TransientFaultHandling\RetryStrategies\FixedInterval;
use YucaDoo\BgyNeighborhoodsDiagnostic\ExceptionDetectionStrategy as NeighborhoodsErrorDetectionStrategy;
* Obtain a preconfigured ThrowableDiagnostic builder factory.
* You can use Symfony DI as explained in Neighborhoods' throwable diagnostic component.
$throwableDiagnosticBuilderFactory = $container->get('ThrowableDiagnosticBuilderFactoryWithTailoredDecoratorStack');
$neighborhoodsErrorDetectionStrategy = new NeighborhoodsErrorDetectionStrategy();
// Compose retry policy
$retryCount = 10;
$retryIntervalInMicroseconds = 1000000 // 1 sec
$retryStrategy = new FixedInterval($retryCount, $retryIntervalInMicroseconds);
$retryPolicy = new RetryPolicy($neighborhoodsErrorDetectionStrategy, $retryStrategy);
$retryPolicy->execute(function() {
// API calls
// Database calls