PHP code example of yuanzhihai / think-response

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yuanzhihai/think-response library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yuanzhihai / think-response example snippets

public function index()
    $users = User::select();

    return Response::success($users);

public function paginate()
    $users = User::paginate(5);

    return Response::success($users);

public function item()
    $user = User::find();

    return Response::success($user);

public function array()
    return Response::success([
        'name' => 'yuanzhihai',
        'email' => '[email protected]'
    ],'', ResponseCodeEnum::SERVICE_REGISTER_SUCCESS);

Response::ok();// 无需返回 data,只返回 message 情形的快捷方法
Response::localize(200101);// 无需返回 data,message 根据响应码配置返回的快捷方法

public function fail()
   return Response::fail();

public function fail()
   Response Response::fail('error');

public function fail()
   Response Response::fail('',ResponseCodeEnum::SERVICE_LOGIN_ERROR);


namespace app\enums;

use yuanzhihai\enum\think\Enums\HttpStatusCodeEnum;

class ResponseCodeEnum extends HttpStatusCodeEnum
    // 业务操作正确码:1xx、2xx、3xx 开头,后拼接 3 位
    // 200 + 001 => 200001,也就是有 001 ~ 999 个编号可以用来表示业务成功的情况,当然你可以根据实际需求继续增加位数,但必须要求是 200 开头
    // 举个栗子:你可以定义 001 ~ 099 表示系统状态;100 ~ 199 表示授权业务;200 ~ 299 表示用户业务。..
    const SERVICE_REGISTER_SUCCESS = 200101;
    const SERVICE_LOGIN_SUCCESS = 200102;

    // 客户端错误码:400 ~ 499 开头,后拼接 3 位
    const CLIENT_PARAMETER_ERROR = 400001;
    const CLIENT_CREATED_ERROR = 400002;
    const CLIENT_DELETED_ERROR = 400003;

    const CLIENT_VALIDATION_ERROR = 422001; // 表单验证错误

    // 服务端操作错误码:500 ~ 599 开头,后拼接 3 位
    const SYSTEM_ERROR = 500001;
    const SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE = 500002;
    const SYSTEM_CACHE_CONFIG_ERROR = 500003;
    const SYSTEM_CACHE_MISSED_ERROR = 500004;
    const SYSTEM_CONFIG_ERROR = 500005;

    // 业务操作错误码(外部服务或内部服务调用。..)
    const SERVICE_REGISTER_ERROR = 500101;
    const SERVICE_LOGIN_ERROR = 500102;

// app/lang/zh-cn/enums.php
use app\enums\ResponseCodeEnum;

return [
    // 响应状态码
    ResponseCodeEnum::class => [
        // 成功
        ResponseCodeEnum::HTTP_OK => '操作成功', // 自定义 HTTP 状态码返回消息
        ResponseCodeEnum::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR => '操作失败', // 自定义 HTTP 状态码返回消息
        ResponseCodeEnum::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED => '授权失败',

        // 业务操作成功
        ResponseCodeEnum::SERVICE_REGISTER_SUCCESS => '注册成功',
        ResponseCodeEnum::SERVICE_LOGIN_SUCCESS => '登录成功',

        // 客户端错误
        ResponseCodeEnum::CLIENT_PARAMETER_ERROR => '参数错误',
        ResponseCodeEnum::CLIENT_CREATED_ERROR => '数据已存在',
        ResponseCodeEnum::CLIENT_DELETED_ERROR => '数据不存在',
        ResponseCodeEnum::CLIENT_VALIDATION_ERROR => '表单验证错误',

        // 服务端错误
        ResponseCodeEnum::SYSTEM_ERROR => '服务器错误',
        ResponseCodeEnum::SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE => '服务器正在维护,暂不可用',
        ResponseCodeEnum::SYSTEM_CACHE_CONFIG_ERROR => '缓存配置错误',
        ResponseCodeEnum::SYSTEM_CACHE_MISSED_ERROR => '缓存未命中',
        ResponseCodeEnum::SYSTEM_CONFIG_ERROR => '系统配置错误',

        // 业务操作失败:授权业务
        ResponseCodeEnum::SERVICE_REGISTER_ERROR => '注册失败',
        ResponseCodeEnum::SERVICE_LOGIN_ERROR => '登录失败',