PHP code example of yottybyte / rocket-chat-laravel-10-integrations

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yottybyte/rocket-chat-laravel-10-integrations library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yottybyte / rocket-chat-laravel-10-integrations example snippets

// config/services.php
'rocketchat' => [
     // Base URL for RocketChat API server (
    'url' => env('ROCKETCHAT_URL'),
    'token' => env('ROCKETCHAT_TOKEN'),
    // Default channel (optional)
    'channel' => env('ROCKETCHAT_CHANNEL'),

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use NotificationChannels\RocketChat\RocketChatMessage;
use NotificationChannels\RocketChat\RocketChatWebhookChannel;

class TaskCompleted extends Notification
    public function via($notifiable): array
        return [

    public function toRocketChat($notifiable): RocketChatMessage
        return RocketChatMessage::create('Test message')
            ->to('channel_name') // optional if set in config
            ->from('webhook_token'); // optional if set in config

public function routeNotificationForRocketChat(): string
    return 'channel_name';

public function toRocketChat($notifiable)
    return RocketChatMessage::create('Test message')
        ->to('channel_name') // optional if set in config
        ->from('webhook_token') // optional if set in config
            RocketChatAttachment::create(['image_url' => 'test']),
            new RocketChatAttachment(['image_url' => 'test']),
                'image_url' => 'test'

        'short' => false, // Whether this field should be a short field. Default: false
        'title' => 'Title 1', //The title of this field. Required
        'value' => 'Value 1' // The value of this field, displayed underneath the title value. Required
        'short' => true,
        'title' => 'Title 2',
        'value' => 'Value 2'
