PHP code example of yosymfony / toml

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yosymfony/toml library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yosymfony / toml example snippets

use Yosymfony\Toml\Toml;

$array = Toml::Parse('key = [1,2,3]');


$array = Toml::ParseFile('example.toml');


$object = Toml::Parse('key = [1,2,3]', true);

    use Yosymfony\Toml\TomlBuilder;

    $tb = new TomlBuilder();

    $result = $tb->addComment('Toml file')
        ->addValue('name', "Toml", 'This is your name')
        ->addValue('newline', "This string has a \n new line character.")
        ->addValue('winPath', "C:\\Users\\nodejs\\templates")
        ->addValue('literal', '@<\i\c*\s*>') // literals starts with '@'.
        ->addValue('unicode', 'unicode character: ' . json_decode('"\u03B4"'))

        ->addValue('t', true)
        ->addValue('f', false)

        ->addValue('positive', 25, 'Comment inline.')
        ->addValue('negative', -25)

        ->addValue('positive', 25.25)
        ->addValue('negative', -25.25)

        ->addValue('datetime', new \Datetime())

        ->addComment('Related to arrays')

        ->addValue('simple', array(1,2,3))
        ->addValue('multiple', array(
            array('abc', 'def'),
            array(1.1, 1.2),
            array(true, false),
            array( new \Datetime()) ))

        ->addComment('Array of tables')

        ->addArrayOfTable('fruit')                            // Row
            ->addValue('name', 'apple')
                ->addValue('name', 'red delicious')
                ->addValue('name', 'granny smith')
        ->addArrayOfTable('fruit')                            // Row
            ->addValue('name', 'banana')
                ->addValue('name', 'plantain')
        ->getTomlString();    // Generate the TOML string