PHP code example of yorknouse / apple-news-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yorknouse/apple-news-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yorknouse / apple-news-api example snippets

use ChapterThree\AppleNewsAPI\Document;
use ChapterThree\AppleNewsAPI\Document\Components\Body;
use ChapterThree\AppleNewsAPI\Document\Layouts\Layout;
use ChapterThree\AppleNewsAPI\Document\Styles\ComponentTextStyle;

$obj = new Document(uniqid(), 'title', 'en', new Layout(7, 1024));
$obj->addComponent(new Body('body text'))
  ->addComponentTextStyle('default', new ComponentTextStyle());

$json = $obj->json();

$api_key_id = "";
$api_key_secret = "";
$endpoint = "https://endpoint_url";

$PublisherAPI = new ChapterThree\AppleNewsAPI\PublisherAPI(

// Fetches information about a channel.
$response = $PublisherAPI->get('/channels/{channel_id}',
    'channel_id' => CHANNEL_ID

// Fetches a list of all sections for a channel.
$response = $PublisherAPI->get('/channels/{channel_id}/sections',
    'channel_id' => CHANNEL_ID

// Fetches information about a single section.
$response = $PublisherAPI->get('/sections/{section_id}',
    'section_id' => SECTION_ID

// Fetches an article.
$response = $PublisherAPI->get('/articles/{article_id}',
    'article_id' => ARTICLE_ID

// Publishes a new article to a channel.
// $response contains an article ID and revision ID.
$response = $PublisherAPI->post('/channels/{channel_id}/articles',
    'channel_id' => CHANNEL_ID
    // List of files to POST
    'files' => [], // optional. A list of article assets [uri => path]
    // JSON metadata string
    'metadata' => $metadata, // 

// Metadata information `revision` is  [
    'revision' => REVISION_ID
// Updates an existing article.
// See $response variable to get a new revision ID.
$response = $PublisherAPI->post('/articles/{article_id}',
    'article_id' => ARTICLE_ID
    // List of files to POST
    'files' => [], // optional. A list of article assets [uri => path]
    // JSON metadata string
    'metadata' => $metadata, // 

// Deletes an article.
$response = $PublisherAPI->delete('/articles/{article_id}',
    'article_id' => ARTICLE_ID
./vendor/bin/phpunit -v --colors=auto --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests
./vendor/bin/phpunit -v --colors=auto --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php