PHP code example of yomy / datastructures

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yomy/datastructures library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yomy / datastructures example snippets

use YomY\DataStructures\ValueObject\ValueObject;
$object = ValueObject::instance(1);

$value = $object->getValue();

$object1 = ValueObject::instance(1);
$object2 = ValueObject::instance(1);
//These two are the same objects ($object1 === $object2)

public function doSomething(ValueObject $valueObject) {
    $value = $valueObject->getValue();

class UserId extends ValueObject {}
class DataId extends ValueObject {}
public function doSomething(UserId $userId, DataId $dataId) {

$object1 = ValueObject::instance('');
$object2 = ValueObject::instance(null);
$object3 = ValueObject::instance(false);
$object4 = ExtendedValueObject::instance('');
$object5 = ExtendedValueObject::instance(null);
$object6 = ExtendedValueObject::instance(false);
//All of the above are different

$object1 = ValueObject::instance(1);
$object2 = ValueObject::instance(1);
$same = $object1->equals($object2); //true

class MyWeakObject extends ValueObject {
    use WeakValueObjectTrait;
$weakObject1 = MyWeakObject::instance(1);
$serializedWeakObject = serialize($weakObject1);
$weakObject2 = unserialize($serializedWeakObject);
//These two objects are "equal" but not the same
$weakObject1->equals($weakObject2); //true
//On regular value objects this would be false

use YomY\DataStructures\ValueObject\EnumValueObject;
class Category extends EnumValueObject {
    const FIRST = 1;
    const SECOND = 2;
    const THIRD = 3;

$category = Category::instance(Category::FIRST);

$category = Category::FIRST();

$category = Category::instance('missing_value');
$category = Category::MISSING();

use YomY\DataStructures\ValueObject\PositiveIntValueObject;
$object1 = PositiveIntValueObject::instance(1);
$object2 = PositiveIntValueObject::instance('1');
//These two are the same objects ($object1 === $object2)

$object = PositiveIntValueObject::instance(0);
$object = PositiveIntValueObject::instance('0');

class UserId extends PositiveIntValueObject {}
class DataId extends PositiveIntValueObject {}
$user = UserId::instance(42);
$data = DataId::instance(42);
//these two are not the same

use YomY\DataStructures\Collection\GenericCollection;
$collection = new GenericCollection();

$collection->add(['an', 'array']);

$collection[] = 1;


$values = [1, 2, 3];


$objects = $collection->getAll();

$object = $collection[3]; //This will throw an exception

foreach ($collection as $object) {

$count = $collection->count();

$empty = $collection->isEmpty();

$contains = $collection->contains(1);

$copy = $collection->copy();

//$collection now has gets items from $collection2 along it's own items

$values = [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1];
$collection = new GenericCollection();
$collection->sort(function($object1, $object2) {
    return $object1 > $object2;
//Collection will now have an array like
//[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];

$values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
$collection = new GenericCollection();
$filtered = $collection->filter(function($object) {
    return $object > 5;
//$filtered contains [6, 7, 8, 9]
//original collection is not affected

$values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
$collection = new GenericCollection();
$transformed = $collection->transformToArray(function($object) {
    //Here we decide what to return in place of each item
    return new CustomWrapper($object);

$values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
$collection = new GenericCollection();
$destinationCollection = new GenericCollection();
//$destinationCollection now has appended items from $collection

$objectCollection = new ObjectCollection(ExampleObject1::class);

$objectCollection = new ObjectCollection(ExampleObject1::class);
$objectCollection->add(new ExampleObject1());

$objectCollection = new ObjectCollection(ExampleObject1::class);
$objectCollection->add(new DifferentObject());
//This will throw an InvalidArgumentException

class ExtendedExampleObject1 extends ExampleObject1 {}
$objectCollection = new ObjectCollection(ExampleObject1::class);
$objectCollection->add(new ExampleObject1());
$objectCollection->add(new ExtendedExampleObject1());

class User {...}
class UserCollection extends ObjectCollection {
    public function __construct() {

function someMethod(UserCollection $userCollection) {
    foreach ($userCollection as $user) {
        //Here we can use individual users from collection


$userCollection = new UserCollection();


$failed = $objectCollection->tryAddArray($objects);
//the $failed array will contain objects that were not added to collection

 $keyValueCollection = new KeyValueCollection();

$keyValueCollection->put('key', 'value');
$value = $keyValueCollection->get('key');
//$value will contain the string 'value'

$keyValueCollection['key'] = 'value';
$value = $keyValueCollection['key'];
//$value will contain the string 'value'

$keyValueCollection->put('key', 'value');
$keyValueCollection->put('key', 'newValue');
$value = $keyValueCollection->get('key');
//$value will contain the string 'newValue'

class UserId {...} //A Value Object class
class User {...} //A user details object class

class UserCollection extends KeyValueCollection {
    public function __construct() {
        parent::__construct(UserId::class, User::class);


//Just for example. These would probably have been built and used inside your application
$userId = new UserId();
$user = new User();


$userCollection = new UserCollection();
$userCollection->put($userId, $user);
$user = $userCollection->get($userId);