PHP code example of yoast / phpunit-polyfills

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yoast/phpunit-polyfills library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yoast / phpunit-polyfills example snippets

namespace Vendor\YourPackage\Tests;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Yoast\PHPUnitPolyfills\Polyfills\AssertIsType;

class FooTest extends TestCase
    use AssertIsType;

    public function testSomething()
        $this->assertIsBool( $maybeBool );
        self::assertIsNotIterable( $maybeIterable );

namespace Vendor\YourPackage\Tests;

use Yoast\PHPUnitPolyfills\TestCases\TestCase;

class FooTest extends TestCase
    public function testSomething()
        $this->assertIsBool( $maybeBool );
        self::assertMatchesRegularExpression( $pattern, $string, $message );

namespace Vendor\YourPackage\Tests;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Yoast\PHPUnitPolyfills\Polyfills\AssertIgnoringLineEndings;
use Yoast\PHPUnitPolyfills\Polyfills\AssertStringContains;

class FooTest extends TestCase
    use AssertIgnoringLineEndings;
    use AssertStringContains;

    public function testSomething()
            "this is something\r\nelse"

// Example: skipping the test completely.
if ( $this->shouldClosedResourceAssertionBeSkipped( $actual ) === true ) {
    $this->markTestSkipped('assertIs[Not]ClosedResource() cannot determine whether this resource is'
        . ' open or closed due to bugs in PHP (PHP ' . \PHP_VERSION . ').');

// Example: selectively skipping the assertion.
if ( self::shouldClosedResourceAssertionBeSkipped( $actual ) === false ) {
    $this->assertIsClosedResource( $actual );

$this->assertSame( 'value', $obj->propertyName );

// Test the value of a protected or private property.
$this->assertSame( 'value', $this->getPropertyValue( $objInstance, $propertyName ) );

// Retrieve a ReflectionProperty object to test other details of the property.
self::assertSame( $propertyName, self::getProperty( $objInstance, $propertyName )->getName() );

use Yoast\PHPUnitPolyfills\TestCases\TestCase;

class MyTest extends TestCase {
    public static function set_up_before_class() {

        // Set up a database connection or other fixture which needs to be available.

    protected function set_up() {

        // Set up function mocks which need to be available for all tests in this class.

    protected function assert_pre_conditions() {

        // Perform assertions shared by all tests of a test case (before the test).

    protected function assert_post_conditions() {
        // Performs assertions shared by all tests of a test case (after the test).


    protected function tear_down() {
        // Any clean up needed related to `set_up()`.


    public static function tear_down_after_class() {
        // Close database connection and other clean up related to `set_up_before_class()`.


use Yoast\PHPUnitPolyfills\TestCases\XTestCase;

class MyTest extends XTestCase {
     * @beforeClass
    public static function setUpFixturesBeforeClass() {

        // Set up a database connection or other fixture which needs to be available.

     * @before
    protected function setUpFixtures() {

        // Set up function mocks which need to be available for all tests in this class.

     * @after
    protected function tearDownFixtures() {
        // Any clean up needed related to `setUpFixtures()`.


     * @afterClass
    public static function tearDownFixturesAfterClass() {
        // Close database connection and other clean up related to `setUpFixturesBeforeClass()`.


// PHPUnit < 6.
class MyTestListener extends \PHPUnit_Framework_BaseTestListener {}

// PHPUnit 6.
class MyTestListener extends \PHPUnit\Framework\BaseTestListener {}

// PHPUnit 7+.
class MyTestListener implements \PHPUnit\Framework\TestListener {
    use \PHPUnit\Framework\TestListenerDefaultImplementation;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestListener;
use Yoast\PHPUnitPolyfills\TestListeners\TestListenerDefaultImplementation;

class MyTestListener implements TestListener {
    use TestListenerDefaultImplementation;

    // Implement any of the snakecase methods, for example:
    public function add_error( $test, $e, $time ) {
        // Do something when PHPUnit encounters an error.

if ( class_exists( '\Yoast\PHPUnitPolyfills\Autoload' ) === false ) {
    Autoload::VERSION' ) === false
    || version_compare( \Yoast\PHPUnitPolyfills\Autoload::VERSION, $versionRequirement, '<' )
) {
    echo 'Error: Version mismatch detected for the PHPUnit Polyfills.',
        ' Please ensure that PHPUnit Polyfills ', $versionRequirement,
        ' or higher is loaded.', PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo 'Error: Please run `composer update -W` before running the tests.' . PHP_EOL;
    echo 'You can still use a PHPUnit phar to run them,',
        ' but the dependencies do need to be installed.', PHP_EOL;
- name: Setup PHP with tools
  uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
    php-version: '8.0'
    tools: phpunit-polyfills