PHP code example of yng / alipay-global

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yng/alipay-global library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yng / alipay-global example snippets

use Yng\AlipayGlobal\AliPayGlobal;
use Yng\AlipayGlobal\Tool\Tool;

$auth_state = Tool::CreateAuthState();
$alipayGlobal = new AliPayGlobal(array(
    'client_id'          => 'SANDBOX_123456789123456', // Client ID
    'endpoint_area'      => 'ASIA', // 地区选择: NORTH_AMERIA / ASIA / EUROPE / GLOBAL
    'merchantPrivateKey' => '', // 商户私钥
    'alipayPublicKey'    => '', // 支付宝公钥
    'is_sandbox'         => true, // 是否打开沙盒环境

$res = $alipayGlobal->run([
    'model'             => 'AuthConsult',// 默认值
    'customerBelongsTo' => 'ALIPAY_CN',
    'authRedirectUrl'   => '',
    'scopes'            => 'BASE_USER_INFO',
    'authState'         => $auth_state,
    'terminalType'      => 'WAP',
    'osType'            => 'ANDROID',

$res = $alipayGlobal->run([
    'model'             => 'ApplyToken',// 默认值
    'customerBelongsTo' => 'ALIPAY_CN',
    'authRedirectUrl'   => '',
    'scopes'            => 'BASE_USER_INFO',
    'authState'         => $auth_state,
    'terminalType'      => 'WAP',
    'osType'            => 'ANDROID',

$res = $alipayGlobal->run([
    'model'       => 'RevokeToken',// 默认值
    'accessToken' => 'xxxxxxxxx',

$order_id = 'DEMOPAY_'.date('YmdHis').rand(10000,99999);// 也可以使用工具包里的 Tool::CreatePaymentRequestId() 
$res = $alipayGlobal->run([
    'model'       => 'CreatePay',
    'paymentRequestId' => $order_id,// 自定义订单id

    // 订单信息
    'order' => [
        'orderAmount' => [
            'currency' => 'CNY',
            'value' => '200',
        'referenceOrderId' => $order_id,// 标识商家端订单的唯一ID,用于投诉,建议和订单id一样,也可自定义
        'orderDescription' => 'DEMO 描述',// 订单描述
        'env' => [
            'terminalType' => 'WEB',// 终端类型

    // 付款金额,与订单信息里的保持一致
    'paymentAmount' => [
        'currency' => 'CNY',
        'value' => '200',

    // 支付方式
    'paymentMethod' => [
        'paymentMethodType' => 'ALIPAY_CN',
    'paymentRedirectUrl' => '',// 支付后重定向地址
    'paymentNotifyUrl' => '',// 支付后的异步回调地址

    // 结算策略/结算货币 
    'settlementStrategy' => [
        'settlementCurrency' => 'CNY',

if($res && in_array($res['result']['resultStatus'],['U','S'])){
    $normalUrl = $res['normalUrl'];// 创建后跳转地址
    return $res['result']['resultMessage'];// 创建支付订单失败原因

$res = $alipayGlobal->run([
    'model'            => 'CancelPay',
    'paymentId'        => 'xxxxx',// 支付宝返回的订单id,二选一,同时填写paymentId级别优先
    'paymentRequestId' => 'xxxxx',// 自定义订单id,二选一,同时填写paymentId级别优先

$res = $alipayGlobal->run([
    'model'            => 'CheckPayStatus',
    'paymentId'        => 'xxxxx',// 支付宝返回的订单id,二选一,同时填写paymentId级别优先
    'paymentRequestId' => 'xxxxx',// 自定义订单id,二选一,同时填写paymentId级别优先

$order_id = 'DEMOPAY_'.date('YmdHis').rand(10000,99999);// 也可以使用工具包里的 Tool::CreatePaymentRequestId() 
$res = $alipayGlobal->run([
    'model' => 'PayByDebit',
    'paymentRequestId' => $order_id,// 自定义订单id

    // 订单信息
    'order' => [
        'orderAmount' => [
            'currency' => 'CNY',
            'value'    => '300',
        'referenceOrderId' => $order_id,// 标识商家端订单的唯一ID,用于投诉
        'orderDescription' => 'DEMO 描述',// 订单描述

    // 付款金额,与订单信息里的保持一致
    'paymentAmount' => [
        'currency' => 'CNY',
        'value'    => '300',

    // 支付方式
    'paymentMethod' => [
        'paymentMethodType' => 'ALIPAY_CN',
        'paymentMethodId'   => 'access_token:xxxx',// applyToken申请的access token值

    // 结算策略/结算货币 
    'settlementStrategy' => ['settlementCurrency' => 'CNY'],

$order_id = 'PayEntryCode_'.date('YmdHis').rand(10000,99999);// 也可以使用工具包里的 Tool::CreatePaymentRequestId()
$res = $alipayGlobal->run([
    'model' => 'PayEntryCode',
    'paymentRequestId' => $order_id,// 自定义订单id

    // 订单信息
    'order' => [
        'orderAmount' => [
            'currency' => 'CNY',
            'value'    => '200',
        'referenceOrderId' => $order_id,// 标识商家端订单的唯一ID,用于投诉
        'orderDescription' => 'PayEntryCode demo 描述',// 订单描述

        'merchant' => [
            'referenceMerchantId' => 'xxx',// 服务或商品的商家的 ID
            'merchantMCC'  => 'xxx',// 商家mcc码,具体看文档
            'merchantName' => 'xxx',// 商家名

            // 商店信息
            'store' => [
                'referenceStoreId' => 'xxx',// 由拥有商店的商家分配的唯一商店 ID
                'storeName' => 'xxx',// 商店名
                'storeMCC'  => 'xxx',// 商店mcc码

        'env' => [
            'userAgent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; LYA-AL00 Build/HUAWEILYA-AL00L; wv)  AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0  Chrome/70.0.3538.110  Mobile Safari/537.36 NebulaSDK/1.8.100112 Nebula  AlipayDefined(nt:WIFI,ws:360|0|3.0) AliApp(APHK/  AlipayClientHK/ Language/zh-HK useStatusBar/true isConcaveScreen/true AlipayClient/ Alipay Language/zh-Hans',// 此字段用于通过包含用户使用的钱包的标识符来指示用户身份,用户的请求头,这只是个demo,获取到的是怎么样就怎么样,无格式要求

    // 付款金额,与订单信息里的保持一致
    'paymentAmount' => [
        'currency' => 'CNY',
        'value'    => '200',

    // 支付方式
    'paymentMethod' => [
        'paymentMethodType' => 'CONNECT_WALLET',// 支付方式,EntryCode模式默认
    'paymentNotifyUrl' => '',// 支付后的异步回调地址

    // 结算策略/结算货币,因为是CONNECT_WALLET,此字段必填
    'settlementStrategy' => [
        'settlementCurrency' => 'CNY',

$order_id = 'REFUND_DEMOPAY_'.date('YmdHis').rand(10000,99999);
$res = $alipayGlobal->run([
    'model'           => 'Refund',
    'refundRequestId' => $order_id,// 自定义订单id
    'paymentId'       => 'xxxx',// 支付宝返回的订单id
    // 退款金额
    'refundAmount' => [
        'currency' => 'CNY',
        'value' => '100',

$res = $alipayGlobal->run([
    'model'           => 'CheckRefundStatus',
    'refundRequestId' => 'xxxx',// 自定义订单id,二选一,同时填写refundId级别优先
    'refundId'        => 'xxxx',// 支付宝返回的退款订单id,二选一,同时填写refundId级别优先