PHP code example of ymz / hyper_umeng

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ymz/hyper_umeng library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ymz / hyper_umeng example snippets

use ymz\UMeng\Android;
use ymz\UMeng\IOS;

// Android 
$config = [
    'appKey' => '5b1df1**************',
    'appMasterSecret' => 'i7tzdarsw************',
    'production_mode' => true,
// IOS 
$ios_config = [
    'appKey' => '5b1df0d1************',
    'appMasterSecret' => 'fa9ry9kd*********',
    'production_mode' => true,

$android = new Android($config);

$ios = new IOS($ios_config);

$params = [
    'alias_type' => 'APP',
    'alias' => 1,
    "ticker" => "测试提示文字",
    "title" => "测试标题",
    "text" => "测试文字描述",
    "after_open" => "go_app",
    "description" => "测试广播通知-Android",

$response = $android->sendAndroidCustomizedcast($params);

$params = [
    "ticker" => "测试提示文字",
    "title" => "测试标题",
    "text" => "测试文字描述",
    "after_open" => "go_app",

$extra = [
    'key1' => 'val1',
    'key2' => 'val2',

$response = $android->sendAndroidBroadcast($params, $extra);

$params = [
    "device_tokens" => "测试提示文字",
    "display_type" => "notification", // message:消息 notification:通知
    //"custom" => '自定义custom',
    //以下内容为 notification  必填项 
    "ticker" => "测试提示文字",
    "title" => "测试标题",
    "text" => "测试文字描述",
    "after_open" => "go_app",

$extra = [
    'key1' => 'val1',
    'key2' => 'val2',

$response = $android->sendAndroidUnicast($params, $extra);

$params = [
    "ticker" => "测试提示文字",
    "title" => "测试标题",
    "text" => "测试文字描述",
    "after_open" => "go_app",
$content = "aa" . "\n" . "bb";

$response = $android->sendAndroidFilecast($params, $content);

$params = [
    "ticker" => "测试提示文字",
    "title" => "测试标题",
    "text" => "测试文字描述",
    "after_open" => "go_app",

$filter = [
    'where' => [
        'and' => [
            'tag' => 'test',
            'tag1' => 'test2',

$response = $android->sendAndroidGroupcast($filter, $params);

 $params = [
    "ticker" => "测试提示文字",
    "title" => "测试标题",
    "text" => "测试文字描述",
    "after_open" => "go_app",
    'alias_type' => 'APP',
$content = "aa" . "\n" . "bb";

$response = $android->sendAndroidCustomizedcastFileId($params, $content);

$params = [
    'alert' => [
        'title' => 'title',
        'body' => 'body',
    ],  //字符串或者JSON
    "description" => "测试广播通知-iOS"
$customized = [
    'key' => 'jey',
]; //可选
$response = $ios->sendIOSBroadcast($params, $customized);

$params = [
    'device_tokens' => 'token',
    'alert' => [
        'title' => 'title',
        'body' => 'body',
    ],  //字符串或者JSON
    "description" => "测试单播消息-iOS"
$customized = [
    'key' => 'jey',
]; //可选
$response = $ios->sendIOSUnicast($params, $customized);

$params = [
    'device_tokens' => 'token',
    'alert' => [
        'title' => 'title',
        'body' => 'body',
    ],  //字符串或者JSON
    "description" => "测试filecast文件通知-iOS"
$content = "aa" . "\n" . "bb";

$response = $ios->sendIOSFilecast($params, $content);

$params = [
    'alert' => [
        'title' => 'title',
        'body' => 'body',
    ],  //字符串或者JSON
    "description" => "测试组播通知-iOS"
$filter = [
    'where' => [
        'and' => [
            'tag' => 'test',
            'tag1' => 'test2',

$response = $ios->sendIOSGroupcast($filter, $params);