PHP code example of yjc / alipay-sdk
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yjc/alipay-sdk library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
yjc / alipay-sdk example snippets php
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: YJC
* Date: 2018/10/29 029
* Time: 22:32
* @see
$aop = new \Yjc\Alipay\Aop\AopClient();
$aop->gatewayUrl = "";
$aop->appId = "app_id";
$aop->rsaPrivateKey = '请填写开发者私钥去头去尾去回车,一行字符串';
$aop->format = "json";
$aop->charset = "UTF-8";
$aop->signType = "RSA2";
$aop->alipayrsaPublicKey = '请填写支付宝公钥,一行字符串';
$request = new \Yjc\Alipay\Aop\Request\AlipayTradeAppPayRequest();
$bizcontent = "{\"body\":\"我是测试数据\","
. "\"subject\": \"App支付测试\","
. "\"out_trade_no\": \"20170125test01\","
. "\"timeout_express\": \"30m\","
. "\"total_amount\": \"0.01\","
. "\"product_code\":\"QUICK_MSECURITY_PAY\""
. "}";
$response = $aop->sdkExecute($request);
echo htmlspecialchars($response);//就是orderString 可以直接给客户端请求,无需再做处理。