1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yiisoft/strings library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
yiisoft / strings example snippets
echo \Yiisoft\Strings\StringHelper::countWords('Strings are cool!'); // 3
echo (new \Yiisoft\Strings\Inflector())
->toSlug('Strings are cool!'); // strings-are-cool
use \Yiisoft\Strings\WildcardPattern;
$startsWithTest = new WildcardPattern('test*');
if ($startsWithTest->match('testIfThisIsTrue')) {
echo 'It starts with "test"!';
use \Yiisoft\Strings\WildcardPattern;
$startsWithTest = new WildcardPattern('test*');
if ($startsWithTest
->match('tEStIfThisIsTrue')) {
echo 'It starts with "test"!';
use \Yiisoft\Strings\CombinedRegexp;
$patterns = [
$regexp = new CombinedRegexp($patterns, 'i');
$regexp->matches('a5'); // true – matches the third pattern
$regexp->matches('A5'); // true – matches the third pattern because of `i` flag that is applied to all regular expressions
$regexp->getMatchingPattern('a5'); // '^a\d$' – the pattern that matched
$regexp->getMatchingPatternPosition('a5'); // 2 – the index of the pattern in the array
$regexp->getCompiledPattern(); // '~(?|first|second()|^a\d$()())~'
use \Yiisoft\Strings\CombinedRegexp;
use \Yiisoft\Strings\MemoizedCombinedRegexp;
$patterns = [
$regexp = new MemoizedCombinedRegexp(new CombinedRegexp($patterns, 'i'));
$regexp->matches('a5'); // Fires `preg_match` inside the `CombinedRegexp`.
$regexp->matches('first'); // Fires `preg_match` inside the `CombinedRegexp`.
$regexp->matches('a5'); // Does not fire `preg_match` inside the `CombinedRegexp` because the result is cached.
$regexp->getMatchingPattern('a5'); // The result is cached so no `preg_match` is fired.
$regexp->getMatchingPatternPosition('a5'); // The result is cached so no `preg_match` is fired.
// The following code fires only once matching mechanism.
if ($regexp->matches('second')) {
echo sprintf(
'Matched the pattern "%s" which is on the position "%s" in the expressions list.',
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