PHP code example of yiiext / imperavi-redactor-widget

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yiiext/imperavi-redactor-widget library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yiiext / imperavi-redactor-widget example snippets


$this->widget('ImperaviRedactorWidget', array(
	// You can either use it for model attribute
	'model' => $my_model,
	'attribute' => 'my_field',

	// or just for input field
	'name' => 'my_input_name',

	// Some options, see
	'options' => array(
		'lang' => 'ru',
		'toolbar' => false,
		'iframe' => true,
		'css' => 'wym.css',

$this->widget('ImperaviRedactorWidget', array(
	// The textarea selector
	'selector' => '.redactor',
	// Some options, see
	'options' => array(),

$this->widget('ImperaviRedactorWidget', array(
	'selector' => '.redactor',
	'options' => array(
		'lang' => 'ru',
	'plugins' => array(
		'fullscreen' => array(
			'js' => array('fullscreen.js',),
		'clips' => array(
			// You can set base path to assets
			'basePath' => 'application.components.imperavi.my_plugin',
			// or url, basePath will be ignored.
			// Defaults is url to plugis dir from assets
			'baseUrl' => '/js/my_plugin',
			'css' => array('clips.css',),
			'js' => array('clips.js',),
			// add depends packages
			'depends' => array('imperavi-redactor',),