PHP code example of yemenifree / laravel-arabic-numbers-middleware

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yemenifree/laravel-arabic-numbers-middleware library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yemenifree / laravel-arabic-numbers-middleware example snippets


Route::any('/login', ['middleware' => 'eastern-to-arabic', function () {
    // your code

// ignore transform pass field 
Route::any('/login', ['middleware' => 'arabic-to-eastern:pass', function () {
    // your code
// you can also ignore multi fields
Route::any('/login', ['middleware' => 'arabic-to-eastern:pass,test', function () {
    // your code

return [
     | enable auto register middleware for all requests
     | if you want auto register for custom middleware group
     |      'auto_register_middleware' => ['web'], //for web group only
     |      'auto_register_middleware' => true, //  all groups
     |      'auto_register_middleware' => false, // none
    'auto_register_middleware' => true,

     | list of middleware they will register for all requests automatic by package
     |  Supported Middleware: "arabic-to-eastern", "eastern-to-arabic"
    'auto_middleware' => Yemenifree\LaravelArabicNumbersMiddleware\Middleware\TransformHindiToArabicNumbers::class,

     | except transform fields ( POST | GET ) from all middleware
     | all none string value will be ignore by default, you can ignore fields by name (key) of POST or GET
    'except_from_all' => [
        // 'login'

     | except transform fields ( POST | GET ) from eastern to arabic
     | all none string value will be ignore by default, you can ignore fields by name (key) of POST or GET
    'except_from_eastern_to_arabic' => [
        // 'mobile'

     | except transform fields ( POST | GET ) from arabic to eastern
     | all none string value will be ignore by default, you can ignore fields by name (key) of POST or GET
    'except_from_arabic_to_eastern' => [
        // 'mobile'
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Yemenifree\LaravelArabicNumbersMiddleware\ServiceProvider"