PHP code example of yehiahamid / easyparse

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yehiahamid/easyparse library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yehiahamid / easyparse example snippets

//values must be inside single or double quotes if it contains white spaces or special chars 'what ever' | "what ever"
$queryStringFilters = "@filters=name eq 'what ever',surname ne 'what ever'";
// otherwise you can use use the value without quotes 
// ex : 

$queryStringFilters = "@filters=id eq 12";
$queryStringFilters = "@filters=id eq anyWordsWithoutspacesOrSpecialChars";

$queryStringFields = "@fields=name,surname,code";

//name is assc , surname desc
$queryStringOrderBy = "@orderby=name,-surname";

//embed can contains fields,filters,sort and paging 
$queryStringEmbed = "@embed=resourceOne(@fields=name,code)(@filters=nameembed eq 'what ever'),mobiles(@orderby=sortFieldOne)";

$queryString = $queryStringFilters . "&" . $queryStringFields . "&" . $queryStringOrderBy . "&" . $queryStringEmbed;

//in real app you would use $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
//this is optional param if not set it will use server query string 
$parser = new yehiaHamid\easyParse\QueryStringParser($queryString);

$parser->fields(); //return array of fields | null if empty

$parser->orderBy(); //return array of order by object | null if empty
//Or you can set default value
// use - before field for desc order


$filtersResult = $parser->filters(); 
//the filter object has three fields 
// the used query string in ex : "@filters=name eq 'what ever',surname ne 'what ever'"

$filtersResult[0]->field // name
$filtersResult[0]->operator // eq
$filtersResult[0]->getOperator() // "="
$filtersResult[0]->value // 'what ever'

$filtersResult[1]->field // surname
$filtersResult[1]->operator // ne
$filtersResult[1]->getOperator() // "!="
$filtersResult[1]->value // 'what ever'

//Or you can set default value for each of the following 

// this new function return the value of