PHP code example of ycstar / sfopenic
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ycstar/sfopenic library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
ycstar / sfopenic example snippets
use Ycstar\Sfopenic\Sfopenic;
$config = [
'host' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'dev_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'dev_key' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
$sfopenic = new Sfopenic($config);
$data = [
'shop_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'user_address' => "北京市海淀区学清嘉创大厦A座15层",
'user_lng' => '116.352569',
'user_lat' => '40.014838',
'weight' => 100,
'product_type' => 1,
'pay_type' => 1,
'is_appoint' => 0,
'is_insured' => 0,
'is_person_direct' => 0
$res = $sfopenic->preCreateOrder($data);
$data = [
'company_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'settlement_type' => 0,
'city_name' => "北京",
'account_phone' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'is_insured' => 0,
'is_appoint' => 0,
$sender =[
'sender_name' => "xx",
'sender_phone' => "xxxxxxxxxx",
'sender_address' => "北京市海淀区学清嘉创大厦A座15层",
'sender_lng' => '116.352569',
'sender_lat' => '40.014838',
$receiver =[
'receiver_name' => "xx",
'receiver_phone' => "xxxxxxxxxx",
'receiver_address' => "北京市海淀区学清嘉创大厦A座15层",
'receiver_lng' => '116.352569',
'receiver_lat' => '40.014838',
$orderDetail = [
'total_price' => 1,//总金额
'product_type' => 1, //物品类型 1:送餐 8:饮品
'weight_gram' => 100,//物品重量
$data['sender'] = $sender;
$data['receiver'] = $receiver;
$data['order_detail'] = $orderDetail;
$res = $sfopenic->preCreateOrder4C($data);
$data = [
'shop_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'shop_order_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'order_source' => 'xx',
'pay_type' => 1,
'order_time' => time(),
'is_appoint' => 0,
'is_insured' => 0,
'is_person_direct' => 0,
'version' => 17,
'order_sequence' => 'xx',
'remark' => 'xx'
$receive =[
'user_name' => "xx",
'user_phone' => "xxxxxxxxxx",
'user_address' => "北京市海淀区学清嘉创大厦A座15层",
'user_lng' => '116.352569',
'user_lat' => '40.014838',
$orderDetail = [
'total_price' => 1,//总金额
'product_type' => 1, //物品类型 1:送餐 8:饮品
'weight_gram' => 100,//物品重量
'product_num' => 3,//物品个数
'product_type_num' => 1,//物品种类个数
$productDetail = [
'product_name' => 'xxx', //物品名称
'product_num' => 1, //物品数量
$orderDetail['product_detail'] = $productDetail;
$data['order_detail'] = $orderDetail;
$data['receive'] = $receive;
$res = $sfopenic->createOrder($data);
$data = [
'user_order_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'company_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'settlement_type' => 0,
'city_name' => "北京",
'account_phone' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'is_insured' => 0,
'is_appoint' => 0,
$sender =[
'sender_name' => "xx",
'sender_phone' => "xxxxxxxxxx",
'sender_address' => "北京市海淀区学清嘉创大厦A座15层",
'sender_lng' => '116.352569',
'sender_lat' => '40.014838',
$receiver =[
'receiver_name' => "xx",
'receiver_phone' => "xxxxxxxxxx",
'receiver_address' => "北京市海淀区学清嘉创大厦A座15层",
'receiver_lng' => '116.352569',
'receiver_lat' => '40.014838',
$orderDetail = [
'total_price' => 1,//总金额
'product_type' => 1, //物品类型 1:送餐 8:饮品
'weight_gram' => 100,//物品重量
$data['sender'] = $sender;
$data['receiver'] = $receiver;
$data['order_detail'] = $orderDetail;
$res = $sfopenic->createOrder4C($data);
$data = [
'order_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'order_type' => 1 //1、顺丰订单号 2、商家订单号
'shop_id' => 0, //order_type=2时必传shop_id与shop_type
'shop_type' => 1, //1、顺丰店铺ID 2、接入方店铺ID
'cancel_code' => 313, //不填时默认cancel_code=313,cancel_reason=商家发起取消
'cancel_reason' => ''
$res = $sfopenic->cancelOrder($data);
$data = [
'order_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'order_type' => 1 //1、顺丰订单号 2、商家订单号
'shop_id' => 0, //order_type=2时必传shop_id与shop_type
'shop_type' => 1, //1、顺丰店铺ID 2、接入方店铺ID
'cancel_reason' => ''
$res = $sfopenic->preCancelOrder($data);
$data = [
'order_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'order_type' => 1 //1、顺丰订单号 2、商家订单号
'shop_id' => 0,
'shop_type' => 1, //1、顺丰店铺ID 2、接入方店铺ID
'gratuity_fee' => 0
$res = $sfopenic->addOrderGratuityFee($data);
$data = [
'order_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'order_type' => 1 //1、顺丰订单号 2、商家订单号
'shop_id' => 0,
'shop_type' => 1, //1、顺丰店铺ID 2、接入方店铺ID
$res = $sfopenic->getOrderGratuityFee($data);
$data = [
'order_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'order_type' => 1 //1、顺丰订单号 2、商家订单号
'shop_id' => 0, //order_type=2时必传shop_id与shop_type
'shop_type' => 1, //1、顺丰店铺ID 2、接入方店铺ID
$res = $sfopenic->listOrderFeed($data);
$data = [
'order_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'order_type' => 1 //1、顺丰订单号 2、商家订单号
'shop_id' => 0, //order_type=2时必传shop_id与shop_type
'shop_type' => 1, //1、顺丰店铺ID 2、接入方店铺ID
$res = $sfopenic->getOrderStatus($data);
$data = [
'order_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'order_type' => 1 //1、顺丰订单号 2、商家订单号
'shop_id' => 0, //order_type=2时必传shop_id与shop_type
'shop_type' => 1, //1、顺丰店铺ID 2、接入方店铺ID
$res = $sfopenic->reminderOrder($data);
$data = [
'order_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'order_type' => 1 //1、顺丰订单号 2、商家订单号
'shop_id' => 0,
'shop_type' => 1, //1、顺丰店铺ID 2、接入方店铺ID
'user_name'=> '',
'user_phone'=> '',
'user_address'=> '',
'lbs_type'=> 2, //1:百度坐标,2:高德坐标(默认值为2,下面的经纬度依赖这个坐标系,不传默认高德)
'user_lng'=> '', //传入用户地址经纬度顺丰侧则不根据用户地址解析
'user_lat'=> '',
$res = $sfopenic->changeOrder($data);
$data = [
'order_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'order_type' => 1 //1、顺丰订单号 2、商家订单号
'shop_id' => 0, //order_type=2时必传shop_id与shop_type
'shop_type' => 1, //1、顺丰店铺ID 2、接入方店铺ID
$res = $sfopenic->riderLatestPosition($data);
$data = [
'order_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'order_type' => 1 //1、顺丰订单号 2、商家订单号
'shop_id' => 0, //order_type=2时必传shop_id与shop_type
'shop_type' => 1, //1、顺丰店铺ID 2、接入方店铺ID
$res = $sfopenic->riderViewV2($data);
$data = [
'order_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'order_type' => 1 //1、顺丰订单号 2、商家订单号
'shop_id' => 0, //order_type=2时必传shop_id与shop_type
'shop_type' => 1, //1、顺丰店铺ID 2、接入方店铺ID
'notice_ready_time' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' //货物准备好时间,秒级时间戳
$res = $sfopenic->notifyProductReady($data);
$data = [
'shop_id' => 0, //店铺ID
'shop_type' => 1, //1表示顺丰店铺,2表示第三方店铺 默认1 非必填
$res = $sfopenic->getShopAccountBalance($data);
$data = [
'company_id' => 0, //企业ID
$res = $sfopenic->getCompanyInfo($data);
$data = [
'shop_id' => 0, //店铺ID
'shop_type' => 1, //1表示顺丰店铺,2表示第三方店铺 默认1 非必填
$res = $sfopenic->getShopInfo($data);
$data = [
'order_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
'order_type' => 1 //1、顺丰订单号 2、商家订单号
'shop_id' => 0,
'shop_type' => 1, //1、顺丰店铺ID 2、接入方店铺ID
$res = $sfopenic->getCallbackInfo($data);
$data = $sfopenic->getNotify();
return $sfopenic->getNotifySuccessReply();
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="ycstar-sfopenic"
return [
'host' => env('SF_OPENIC_HOST'),
'dev_id' => env('SF_OPENIC_DEV_ID'),
'dev_key' => env('SF_OPENIC_DEV_KEY')
SF_OPENIC_HOST = xxxxxxxxxxxx
SF_OPENIC_DEV_ID = xxxxxxxxxxxx
SF_OPENIC_DEV_KEY = xxxxxxxxxxxx
public function preCreateOrder(Sfopenic $sfopenic)
$res = $sfopenic->preCreateOrder($data);
public function preCreateOrder()
$res = app('sfopenic')->preCreateOrder($data);