PHP code example of yangze / laraveladminposttemplate

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yangze/laraveladminposttemplate library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yangze / laraveladminposttemplate example snippets

php artisan admin:post-template --module=Crm --post=Post --cat=Category --stat=Statistic --comm=Comment --force
*     generator file     *

ApiController.php OK
CategoryController.php OK
CommentController.php OK
PostController.php OK
2019_12_26_171317_create_crm_category_table.php OK
2019_12_26_171317_create_crm_comment_table.php OK
2019_12_26_171317_create_crm_post_table.php OK
2019_12_26_171317_create_crm_statistic_table.php OK
CategoryModel.php OK
CommentModel.php OK
PostModel.php OK
StatisticModel.php OK
*     the next step you should do     *

// crm
$router->resource('crm/post', Crm\PostController::class);
$router->resource('crm/category', Crm\CategoryController::class);
$router->resource('crm/comment', Crm\CommentController::class);