PHP code example of yakeing / dnspod_api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yakeing/dnspod_api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


yakeing / dnspod_api example snippets

    $uid = 12345;
    $token = X12345;
    $DP = new Dnspod($uid, $token);

    $domain = '';
    $value = array(
    $name = 'www';
    $type = 'A';
    $DP->Records($domain, $value, $name, $type, true);

    $domain = '';

    $copyDomain = '';
    $toDomain = '';
    echo $DP->getDomainInfo($copyDomain, $toDomain);

    $domain = '';
    echo $DP->getRecordList($domain);

    $job_id = 'j12345';
    echo $DP->getBatchDetail($job_id);

    $domain = '';
    $name = 'www';
    $value = '';
    $type = 'A';
    echo $DP->addRecord($domain, $name, $value, $type);

    $domain_id = '12345';
    $record[0] = array('name'=>'WWW', 'type'=>'A', 'value'='', 'mx'=>1);
    echo $DP->batchAddRecord($domain_id, $record);

    $domain = '';
    $record_id = 'E12345';
    $name = 'WWW2';
    $value = '';
    $type = 'A';
    $mx = 1;
    echo $DP->recordModify($domain, $record_id, $name, $value, $type, $mx);

    $domain = '';
    $record_id = 'E12345';
    echo $DP->recordRemove($domain, $record_id);

    //Get the API version number
    echo $DP->getVersion();

    //Get the level allowed line
    $domain = '';
    echo $DP->getRecordLine($domain);

    //Get a list of domain names
    echo $DP->getDomainList();

    //Construct a new record table
    $name = '';
    $type = 'A';
    $value = '';
    $DP->newRecords($name, $type, $value);