1. Go to this page and download the library: Download yabx/ipc library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
yabx / ipc example snippets
use Yabx\Ipc\Ipc;
use Yabx\Ipc\Message;
$ipc = new Ipc('pr1');
// Sending payload to process ID "pr2"
$ipc->send('pr2', ['foo' => 'baz']);
while(true) {
// Do some things
// Processing incoming messages from other processes
$ipc->processMessages(function(Message $message) {
// take a short break to reduce CPU usage
use Yabx\Ipc\Ipc;
// Sync call
$status = $ipc->call('worker', 'get_status');
// Display result
echo 'STATUS: ' . print_r($status, 1) . PHP_EOL;
// Async call
$ipc->callAsync('worker', 'plus', [1, 2], function(int $result) {
// Display result ans exit
echo '1 + 2 = ' . $result . PHP_EOL;
while(true) {
// Processing messages
// take a short break to reduce CPU usage
use Yabx\Ipc\Ipc;
$ipc->setMethod('get_status', function() {
return [
'status' => 'OK',
'progress' => '50%'
$ipc->setMethod('plus', function(int $a, int $b) {
return $a + $b;
while(true) {
// Do some work
// Processing incoming messages from other processes
// take a short break to reduce CPU usage
// Ipc class constructor
$ipc = new Ipc(string $processId);
// Build Message with $payload and send to $id
$ipc->send(string $id, mixed $payload): bool;
// Call synchronously $method(...$args) on $id process
$ipc->call(string $id, string $method, array $args = [], int $timeout = 30): mixed
// Call asynchronously $method(...$args) on $id process
// If $callback is defined, Result will be passed to $callback(mixed $result)
$ipc->callAsync(string $id, string $method, array $args = [], ?callable $callback = null): void
// Send raw Message
$ipc->sendMessage(Message $message): bool
// Process incoming messages
// If $callback is defined it will be called as $callback(Message $message)
$ipc->processMessages(?callable $callback = null): void
// Set method (makes it callable from other processes)
$ipc->setMethod(string $method, callable $callback): void
// Set listener to process SomePayload::class (example) messages
$ipc->setListener(SomePayload::class, function(SomePayload $payload, Message $message) { ... }): void
// Remove listener
$ipc->removeListener(string $method): void
// Set listener to process all incoming messages
$ipc->setMessageListener(callable $callback): void
$ipc->setMessageListener(function(Message $message) { ... }): void
// Sleep (0.1 sec by default)
$ipc->usleep(): void
// Changes usleep time (default: 100000 = 0.1 sec), in microseconds
Ipc::setUsleep(int $usleep): void
// Changes IPC files store path (default: /dev/shm/ipc-php)
Ipc::setIpcPath(string $ipcPath): void
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