PHP code example of xy_jx / utils

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xy_jx/utils library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


xy_jx / utils example snippets

     echo  rand_string();//KPV1

      echo  UUID();//0b90f8b2-dca8-4ee8-86a1-f2a990605912

      echo  rmb_capital(159622);//壹拾伍万玖仟陆佰贰拾贰圆

use xy_jx\Utils\Captcha;
class xy
        // 初始化验证码类
        $Captcha = new Captcha();
        // 生成验证码和key  (密钥没有存储到session或Cookie)可自己存储 防止用户重复使用
        $cap = $Captcha->create();
        //echo $cap['img'];//...
        // 验证是否正确
        var_dump($Captcha->check($cap['code'], $cap['key']));// true

use xy_jx\Utils\Jwt;
class xy
        Jwt::set('iv', '@user@token@jwt*');
        Jwt::set('key', '@user@token@jwt*');//默认key 0.8+
        $user  = [
            'id'        => 5,
            'tel'       => '188888888888',
            'name'      => 'xy',
            'email'     => '[email protected]',
            'sex'       => 2,
            'login_num' => 12,
        $token = Jwt::getToken($user);
        $user  = Jwt::getUser($token['token']);

use xy_jx\Utils\GoogleAuthenticator;
class xy
        $secret = GoogleAuthenticator::createSecret();//WQI5IOGD6WSRHDIFNFHYJCHANUJZDMAG
        $code = GoogleAuthenticator::getCode($secret);//273079
        var_dump(GoogleAuthenticator::verifyCode($secret, $code));// true
        echo GoogleAuthenticator::getQRCodeGoogleUrl(
            $name = 'xy',
            $title = '绑定密钥'