1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xtompie/result library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
xtompie / result example snippets
use Xtompie\Result\Result;
$rand = rand(0, 1);
$result = $rand%2 == 0 ? Result::ofSuccess($rand) : Result::ofErrorMsg("the number $rand is not even");
if ($result->success()) {
echo "OK: {$result->value()}";
else if ($result->fail()) {
echo "Error: {$result->errors()->first()->message()}";
Result::ofSuccess(); // success without value
Result::ofValue(mixed $value); // success with value
Result::ofFail(); // fail without errors
Result::ofError(Error $error); // fail with one error
Result::ofErrorMsg(?string $message, ?string $key = null, ?string $space = null); // fail with one error
Result::ofErrors(ErrorCollection $errors); // fail with errors
Result::ofCombine(Result ...$results):
// combined many results, fail when any of results fail
// when fail errors are merged
// when success, first value is used
namespace App\User\Application\Service\CreateUser;
use Xtompie\Result\Result;
class CreateUserResult extends Result
public static function ofUserId(strign $userId): static
return parent::ofValue($userId);
public function userId(): string
return $this->value();
class CreateUserService
public function __invoke(string $email): Result
if (strlen($email) === 0) {
return Result::ofErrorMsg('Email CreateUser\CreateUserService;
use App\User\UI\Request\Request;
class ApiUsersPostController
public function __construct(
protected CreateUserService $createUserService,
protected Request $request,
) {}
public function __invoke()
$result = ($this->createUserService)((string)$this->request->input('email'));
if ($result->fail()) {
return [
'success' => false,
'error' => [
'msg' => $result->errors()->first()?->message(),
'key' => $result->errors()->first()?->key(),
'space' => $result->errors()->first()?->space(),
return [
'success' => true,
'body' => [
'id' => $result->userId(),
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