PHP code example of xtain / deutschepost-portokasse

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xtain/deutschepost-portokasse library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


xtain / deutschepost-portokasse example snippets

thenticate with same credentials as you login to
$portokasse = new \XTAIN\DeutschePostPortokasse\Client(
    '[email protected]',

echo '####################################'.PHP_EOL;
echo '  => Current balance: ' . number_format($portokasse->getBalance() / 100, 2, ',', '.'). ' €'.PHP_EOL;
echo '####################################'.PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
echo '##### Transactions #####'.PHP_EOL;

foreach ($portokasse->getJournal() as $journal) {
    /** @var \XTAIN\DeutschePostPortokasse\Model\JournalEntry $entry */
    foreach ($journal as $entry) {
        echo ' Date:            ' . $entry->getDate()->format(\DateTime::W3C) . PHP_EOL;
        echo ' Amount:          ' .  number_format($entry->getAmount() / 100, 2, ',', '.'). ' €'.PHP_EOL;
        echo ' Accounting Text: ' . $entry->getAccountingText() . PHP_EOL;
        echo ' Channel:         ' . $entry->getChannel() . PHP_EOL;
        echo ' Shop Order ID:   ' . $entry->getShopOrderId() . PHP_EOL;
        echo ' State:           ' . $entry->getState() . PHP_EOL;
        echo ' Type:            ' . $entry->getType() . PHP_EOL;
        echo '=============================='.PHP_EOL;

try {
    // load 1€ cent by SEPA direct debit
} catch (\XTAIN\DeutschePostPortokasse\Exception\InvalidPaymentAmountException $e) {
    // increase amount