PHP code example of xsuchy09 / php-qrcode

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xsuchy09/php-qrcode library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


xsuchy09 / php-qrcode example snippets

$data = 'otpauth://totp/test?secret=B3JX4VCVJDVNXNZ5&';

//quick and simple:
echo '<img src="'.(new QRCode)->render($data).'" alt="QR Code" />';

$options = new QROptions([
	'version'    => 5,
	'outputType' => QRCode::OUTPUT_MARKUP_SVG,
	'eccLevel'   => QRCode::ECC_L,

// invoke a fresh QRCode instance
$qrcode = new QRCode($options);

// and dump the output

// ...with additional cache file
$qrcode->render($data, '/path/to/file.svg');

$matrix = $qrcode->getMatrix($data);

foreach($matrix->matrix() as $y => $row){
	foreach($row as $x => $module){

		// get a module's value
		$value = $module;
		$value = $matrix->get($x, $y);

		// boolean check a module
		if($matrix->check($x, $y)){ // if($module >> 8 > 0)
			// do stuff, the module is dark
			// do other stuff, the module is light


// for true (dark)
$value >> 8 === $M_TYPE;

//for false (light)
$value === $M_TYPE;

// for true
$value >> 8 > 0;

// for false
$value >> 8 === 0

$options = new QROptions;

// for HTML, SVG and ImageMagick
$options->moduleValues = [
	// finder
	1536 => '#A71111', // dark (true)
	6    => '#FFBFBF', // light (false)
	// alignment
	2560 => '#A70364',
	10   => '#FFC9C9',
	// timing
	3072 => '#98005D',
	12   => '#FFB8E9',
	// format
	3584 => '#003804',
	14   => '#00FB12',
	// version
	4096 => '#650098',
	16   => '#E0B8FF',
	// data
	1024 => '#4A6000',
	4    => '#ECF9BE',
	// darkmodule
	512  => '#080063',
	// separator
	8    => '#AFBFBF',
	// quietzone
	18   => '#FFFFFF',

// for the image output types
$options->moduleValues = [
	512  => [0, 0, 0],
	// ...

// for string/text output
$options->moduleValues = [
	512  => '#',
	// ...

class MyCustomOutput extends QROutputAbstract{

	// inherited from QROutputAbstract
	protected $matrix;      // QRMatrix
	protected $moduleCount; // modules QRMatrix::size()
	protected $options;     // MyCustomOptions or QROptions
	protected $scale;       // scale factor from options
	protected $length;      // length of the matrix ($moduleCount * $scale)

	// ...check/set default module values (abstract method, called by the constructor)
	protected function setModuleValues():void{
		// $this->moduleValues = ...

	// QROutputInterface::dump()
	public function dump(string $file = null):string{
		$output = '';

		for($row = 0; $row < $this->moduleCount; $row++){
			for($col = 0; $col < $this->moduleCount; $col++){
				$output .= (int)$this->matrix->check($col, $row);

		return $output;


trait MyCustomOptionsTrait{
	protected $myParam = 'defaultValue';

	// ...

$myOptions = [
	'version'         => 5,
	'eccLevel'        => QRCode::ECC_L,
	'outputType'      => QRCode::OUTPUT_CUSTOM,
	'outputInterface' => MyCustomOutput::class,
	// your custom settings
	'myParam'         => 'whatever value',

// extends QROptions
$myCustomOptions = new MyCustomOptions($myOptions);

// using the SettingsContainerInterface
$myCustomOptions = new class($myOptions) extends SettingsContainerAbstract{
	use QROptionsTrait, MyCustomOptionsTrait;

(new QRCode($myCustomOptions))->render($data);

$qrOutputInterface = new MyCustomOutput($myCustomOptions, (new QRCode($myCustomOptions))->getMatrix($data));

//dump the output, which is equivalent to QRCode::render()
	": "^7.2",
		"xsuchy09/php-qrcode": "dev-master"