PHP code example of xp-framework / rdbms

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xp-framework/rdbms library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


xp-framework / rdbms example snippets

use rdbms\DriverManager;

$conn= DriverManager::getConnection('sybase://user:pass@server/NICOTINE');

$news= $conn->select('news_id, caption, author_id from news');
// $news= [
//   [
//     'news_id'   => 12,
//     'caption'   => 'Hello World',
//     'author_id' => 1549
//   ]
// ]

$q= $conn->query('select news_id, caption, author_id from news');
while ($record= $q->next()) {
  // $record= [
  //   'news_id'   => 12,
  //   'caption'   => 'Hello World',
  //   'author_id' => 1549
  // ]

  into news (
    caption, author_id, body, extended, created_at
  ) values (
    %s, -- caption
    %d, -- author_id
    %s, -- body
    %s, -- extended
    %s  -- created_at

$conn->update('news set author_id= %d where author_id is null', $authorId);

$conn->delete('from news where caption = "[DELETE]"');

public function createAuthor(...) {
  $tran= $conn->begin(new Transaction('create_author'));

  try {
    $id= $conn->insert('into author ...');
    $conn->insert('into notify ...');

    return $id;
  } catch (SQLException $e) {
    throw $e;