1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xp-framework/collections library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
xp-framework / collections example snippets
package util.collections {
public interface util.collections.IList<T>
public interface util.collections.Map<K, V>
public interface util.collections.Set<T>
public class util.collections.HashSet<T>
public class util.collections.HashTable<K, V>
public class util.collections.LRUBuffer<T>
public class util.collections.Pair<K, V>
public class util.collections.Queue<T>
public class util.collections.Stack<T>
public class util.collections.Vector<T>
$map= create('new util.collections.HashTable<string, com.example.Customer>');
$empty= $map->isEmpty();
$size= $map->size();
// Write values
$map['@example']= new Customer(0, 'Example customer');
$map->put('@friebe', new Customer(1, 'Timm Friebe'));
// Raises an exception
$map['@invalid']= new Date();
// Access
$customer= $map['@example'];
$customer= $map->get('@example');
// Test
if (isset($map['@example'])) {
// ...
// Will return NULL
$customer= $map['@nonexistant'];
// Remove
// Iteration
foreach ($map as $pair) {
echo $pair->key, ': ', $pair->value->toString(), "\n";
$list= create('new util.collections.Vector<com.example.Customer>');
$empty= $list->isEmpty();
$size= $list->size();
// Write values
$list[]= new Customer(0, 'Example customer');
$list->add(new Customer(1, 'Timm Friebe'));
$list[0]= new Customer(0, 'Example customer');
$list->set(1, new Customer(1, 'Timm Friebe'));
// Raises an exception
$list[0]= new Date();
// Access
$customer= $list[0];
$customer= $list->get(0);
// Test
if (isset($list[1])) {
// ...
// Will return NULL
$customer= $list[1];
// Remove
// Iteration
foreach ($list as $customer) {
echo $customer->toString(), "\n";
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