PHP code example of xp-forge / google-authenticator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xp-forge/google-authenticator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


xp-forge / google-authenticator example snippets

use com\google\authenticator\{TimeBased, Tolerance};
use util\Secret;

$secret= new Secret('2BX6RYQ4MD5M46KP');
$timebased= new TimeBased($secret);
$time= time();

// Get token for a given time
$token= $timebased->at($time);
$token= $timebased->current();

// Must match exactly
$verified= $timebased->verify($token, $time, Tolerance::$NONE);

// Allows previous and next
$verified= $timebased->verify($token);
$verified= $timebased->verify($token, $time);
$verified= $timebased->verify($token, $time, Tolerance::$PREVIOUS_AND_NEXT);

use com\google\authenticator\{CounterBased, Tolerance};
use util\Secret;

$secret= new Secret('2BX6RYQ4MD5M46KP');
$counterbased= new CounterBased($secret);
$counter= 0;

// Get token for a given counter
$token= $counterbased->at($counter);

// Must match exactly
$verified= $counterbased->verify($token, $counter, Tolerance::$NONE);

// Allows previous and next
$verified= $counterbased->verify($token, $counter);
$verified= $counterbased->verify($token, $counter, Tolerance::$PREVIOUS_AND_NEXT);

use com\google\authenticator\{CounterBased, TimeBased, Secrets};

$random= Secrets::random();

// HOTP, otpauth://hotp/{account}?secret={secret}&counter={counter}
$counterbased= new CounterBased($random);
$uri= $counterbased->provisioningUri($account);             // Start with counter= 0
$uri= $counterbased->provisioningUri($account, $initial);   // Start with counter= $initial

// TOTP, otpauth://totp/{account}?secret={secret}
$timebased= new TimeBased($random);
$uri= $timebased->provisioningUri($account);

// Pass a map of string to append additional parameters
$uri= $timebased->provisioningUri($account, ['issuer' => 'ACME Co']);

// Pass an array to namespace the account, yields "ACME%20Co:[email protected]"
$uri= $timebased->provisioningUri(['ACME Co', '[email protected]']);