PHP code example of xp-forge / geoip

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xp-forge/geoip library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


xp-forge / geoip example snippets

use com\maxmind\geoip\GeoIpDatabase;
use io\File;

$database= GeoIpDatabase::open(new File('GeoLite2-City.mmdb'));
$record= $database->lookup('');

// $record= com.maxmind.geoip.Record@{
//   [city        ] com.maxmind.geoip.Name(#5375480: Mountain View)
//   [country     ] com.maxmind.geoip.Name(#6252001: United States; code= US)
//   [continent   ] com.maxmind.geoip.Name(#6255149: North America; code= NA)
//   [postalCode  ] "94035"
//   [location    ] com.maxmind.geoip.Location(37.386,-122.0838; tz= America/Los_Angeles)
//   [subdivisions] [com.maxmind.geoip.Name(#5332921: California; code= CA)]
// }