PHP code example of xp-forge / address

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xp-forge/address library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


xp-forge / address example snippets

class Book {
  public $name, $author;

  public function __construct(string $name, Author $author) {
    $this->name= $name;
    $this->author= $author;

class Author {
  public $name;

  public function __construct(string $name) {
    $this->name= $name;

use util\address\{XmlStreaming, ObjectOf};

$socket= /* ... */

$stream= new XmlStreaming($socket);
$book= $stream->next(new ObjectOf(Book::class, [
  'name'   => fn($self) => $self->name= yield,
  'author' => fn($self) => $self->author= yield new ObjectOf(Author::class, [
    'name'   => fn($self) => $self->name= yield ?: '(unknown author)'; }

use util\address\{XmlStreaming, ValueOf};

// Parse into string 'Tim Taylor'
$stream= new XmlStreaming('<name>Tim Taylor</name>');
$name= $stream->next(new ValueOf(null, [
  '.' => fn(&$self) => $self= yield,

// Parse into array ['More', 'Power']
$stream= new XmlStreaming('<tools><tool>More</tool><tool>Power</tool></tools>');
$name= $stream->next(new ValueOf([], [
  'tool' => fn(&$self) => $self[]= yield,

// Parse into map ['id' => 6100, 'name' => 'more power']
$stream= new XmlStreaming('<tool id="6100">more power</tool>');
$book= $stream->next(new ValueOf([], [
  '@id' => fn(&$self) => $self['id']= (int)yield,
  '.'   => fn(&$self) => $self['name']= yield,

use util\address\{XmlStreaming, ObjectOf};

class Book {
  public $isbn, $name;

// Parse into Book(isbn: '978-0552151740', name: 'A Short History...')
$stream= new XmlStreaming('<book isbn="978-0552151740"><name>A Short History...</name></book>');
$book= $stream->next(new ObjectOf(Book::class, [
  '@isbn' => fn($self) => $self->isbn= yield,
  'name'  => fn($self) => $self->name= yield,

use util\address\{XmlStreaming, RecordOf};

class Book {
  public function __construct(private string $isbn, private string $name) { }

  public function isbn() { return $this->isbn; }
  public function name() { return $this->name; }

// Parse into Book(isbn: '978-0552151740', name: 'A Short History...')
$stream= new XmlStreaming('<book isbn="978-0552151740"><name>A Short History...</name></book>');
$book= $stream->next(new RecordOf(Book::class, [
  '@isbn' => fn(&$args) => $args['isbn']= yield,
  'name'  => fn(&$args) => $args['name']= yield,

use peer\http\HttpConnection;
use util\data\Sequence;
use util\Date;
use util\address\{XmlStream, ObjectOf};
use util\cmd\Console;

class Item {
  public $title, $description, $pubDate, $generator, $link, $guid;

$definition= new ObjectOf(Item::class, [
  'title'       => fn($self) => $self->title= yield,
  'description' => fn($self) => $self->description= yield,
  'pubDate'     => fn($self) => $self->pubDate= new Date(yield),
  'generator'   => fn($self) => $self->generator= yield,
  'link'        => fn($self) => $self->link= yield,
  'guid'        => fn($self) => $self->guid= yield,

$conn= new HttpConnection('');
$stream= new XmlStream($conn->get()->in());

  ->map(fn($pointer) => $pointer->value($definition))
  ->each(fn($item) => Console::writeLine('- ', $item->title, "\n  ", $item->link))