PHP code example of xjaqil / laravel-wechat

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xjaqil/laravel-wechat library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


xjaqil / laravel-wechat example snippets

'providers' => [
    // ...
'aliases' => [
    // ...
    'EasyWeChat' => Overtrue\LaravelWeChat\Facade::class,


protected $except = [
    // ...

Route::any('/wechat', 'WeChatController@serve');

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Log;

class WeChatController extends Controller

     * 处理微信的请求消息
     * @return string
    public function serve()
        Log::info('request arrived.'); # 注意:Log 为 Laravel 组件,所以它记的日志去 Laravel 日志看,而不是 EasyWeChat 日志

        $app = app('wechat.official_account');
            return "欢迎关注 overtrue!";

        return $app->server->serve();

  $officialAccount = \EasyWeChat::officialAccount(); // 公众号
  $work = \EasyWeChat::work(); // 企业微信
  $payment = \EasyWeChat::payment(); // 微信支付
  $openPlatform = \EasyWeChat::openPlatform(); // 开放平台
  $miniProgram = \EasyWeChat::miniProgram(); // 小程序
  // 均支持传入配置账号名称
  \EasyWeChat::officialAccount('foo'); // `foo` 为配置文件中的名称,默认为 `default`

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    // ...
    'wechat.oauth' => \Overtrue\LaravelWeChat\Middleware\OAuthAuthenticate::class,

Route::group(['middleware' => ['web', 'wechat.oauth']], function () {
    Route::get('/user', function () {
        $user = session('wechat.oauth_user.default'); // 拿到授权用户资料


Route::group(['middleware' => ['wechat.oauth:snsapi_userinfo']], function () {
  // ...

// 或者指定账户的同时指定 scopes:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['wechat.oauth:default,snsapi_userinfo']], function () {
  // ...

use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Overtrue\Socialite\User as SocialiteUser;

$user = new SocialiteUser([
                'id' => Arr::get($user, 'openid'),
                'name' => Arr::get($user, 'nickname'),
                'nickname' => Arr::get($user, 'nickname'),
                'avatar' => Arr::get($user, 'headimgurl'),
                'email' => null,
                'original' => [],
                'provider' => 'WeChat',

session(['wechat.oauth_user.default' => $user]); // 同理,`default` 可以更换为您对应的其它配置名

// 该事件有以下属性
$event->user; // 同 session('wechat.oauth_user.default') 一样
$event->isNewSession; // 是不是新的会话(第一次创建 session 时为 true)
$event->account; // 当前中间件所使用的账号,对应在配置文件中的配置项名称

'open_platform' => [
    'uri' => 'serve',
    'action' => Overtrue\LaravelWeChat\Controllers\OpenPlatformController::class,
    'attributes' => [
        'prefix' => 'open-platform',
        'middleware' => null,

// 事件有如下属性
$message = $event->payload; // 开放平台事件通知内容
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Overtrue\LaravelWeChat\ServiceProvider"