Download xirelogy / magpie-core / SimpleConsoleLogStringFormat.php - Solve class 'SimpleConsoleLogStringFormat' not found

This file is part of the package xirelogy/magpie-core. Please go to our download page to download this composer package and to solve the problem class 'SimpleConsoleLogStringFormat' not found.
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<?php namespace Magpie\Logs\Formats; use Magpie\General\Str; use Magpie\Logs\LogConfig; use Magpie\Logs\LogEntry; /** * Simple implementation of `LogStringFormattable` for console output */ class SimpleConsoleLogStringFormat extends CommonLogStringFormat { /** * @inheritDoc */ public function format(LogEntry $entry, LogConfig $config) : string { $source = $entry->source ?? $config->defaultSource; $message = $entry->message; if (Str::isNullOrEmpty($source)) { $ret = $message; } else { $ret = "[$source] $message"; } if (count($entry->context) > 0) { $flattenContext = $this->flattenContext($entry->context); $ret .= " $flattenContext"; } return static::normalize($ret); } }