Download xirelogy / magpie-core / CommonPrecisionAtScale.php - Solve class 'CommonPrecisionAtScale' not found

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<?php namespace Magpie\General\Traits; use Magpie\General\DateTimes\Duration; use Magpie\General\MultiPrecision; /** * Support extracting value at multiple precision * @requires \Magpie\General\Concepts\PrecisionScalable */ trait CommonPrecisionAtScale { /** * Get value at given precision * @param int $scale * @return int */ public function getValueAtPrecisionScale(int $scale) : int { $diffScale = $this->getPrecisionScale() - $scale; return floor($this->getBaseValue() * pow(10, $diffScale)); } /** * Unify the precision of all values * @param Duration ...$values * @return void */ public static function unifyPrecision(self &...$values) : void { $newValues = MultiPrecision::selectPrecision($newPrecision, ...$values); for ($i = 0; $i < count($values); ++$i) { $values[$i] = static::inPrecision($newValues[$i], $newPrecision); } } }