Download xirelogy / magpie-core / InvalidBitSizeException.php - Solve class 'InvalidBitSizeException' not found
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Search class InvalidBitSizeException
namespace Magpie\Cryptos\Exceptions;
use Throwable;
* Exception due to invalid bit size
class InvalidBitSizeException extends CryptoException
* @var int The provided bit size
public readonly int $providedBitSize;
* @var int|null The expected bit size (if any)
public readonly ?int $expectedBitSize;
* Constructor
* @param int $providedBitSize
* @param string|null $subject
* @param int|null $expectedBitSize
* @param Throwable|null $previous
* @param int $code
public function __construct(int $providedBitSize, ?string $subject = null, ?int $expectedBitSize = null, ?Throwable $previous = null, int $code = 0)
$message = static::formatMessage($providedBitSize, $subject, $expectedBitSize);
parent::__construct($message, $previous, $code);
$this->providedBitSize = $providedBitSize;
$this->expectedBitSize = $expectedBitSize;
* Format the message
* @param int $providedBitSize
* @param string|null $subject
* @param int|null $expectedBitSize
* @return string
protected static function formatMessage(int $providedBitSize, ?string $subject, ?int $expectedBitSize) : string
if ($subject !== null) {
if ($expectedBitSize !== null) {
return _format_safe(_l('Provided {{1}} bit size {{0}} is invalid, {{2}} expected'), $providedBitSize, $subject, $expectedBitSize) ?? _l('Provided bit size is invalid');
} else {
return _format_safe(_l('Provided {{1}} bit size {{0}} is invalid'), $providedBitSize, $subject) ?? _l('Provided bit size is invalid');
if ($expectedBitSize !== null) {
return _format_safe(_l('Provided bit size {{0}} is invalid, {{1}} expected'), $providedBitSize, $expectedBitSize) ?? _l('Provided bit size is invalid');
return _format_safe(_l('Provided bit size {{0}} is invalid'), $providedBitSize) ?? _l('Provided bit size is invalid');