PHP code example of xinningsu / laravel-easy-cache
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xinningsu/laravel-easy-cache library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
$news = new News();
// without caching
$topNews = $news->getTopNews(2);
// cache it with default configuration, ttl: 3600,
// key: serialize class name, method name and parameters as cache key,
// store: laravel default cache store
// see Global Configuration below to custom default configuration.
$topNews = $news->cache()->getTopNews(2);
// or specify the ttl
$topNews = $news->cache(300)->getTopNews(2);
// specify the ttl and cache key,
// please notice that the cache key has to be specified if there is
// a closure in parameters, because closure can not be serialized.
$topNews = $news->cache(300, 'cache-key')->getTopNews(2);
// specify ttl, cache key and store,
// store is the store defined in laravel config/cache.php
$topNews = $news->cache(300, 'cache-key', 'array')->getTopNews(2);
return [
// If the ttl parameter is not specified when calling cache method,
// then use this one, default value is 3600.
'ttl' => 3600,
// Value can be the store defined in config/cache.php of laravel project,
// such as memcached, redis ... If null, using laravel default cache store.
'store' => null,
// This prefix will be added to the front of each cache key, so it can
// easily refresh the whole cache by changing this. default value is null.
'prefix' => null,
// If this specified, the caches in the page can be refreshed via query string,
// see Refresh Page Cache below.
'refresh_key' => null,
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