PHP code example of xingzhi / admarketingapi

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download xingzhi/admarketingapi library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


xingzhi / admarketingapi example snippets

use EasyWeChat\Factory;

$options = [
    'account_id' => 505397556292476,
    'app_id' => 1644911720042510,
    'secret' => '0a41de5d1f7f0109f1020574d2bfd6f9fbcb5201',
    'oauth' => [
        'redirect_uri' => 'oceanengine/oauth/callback',
    'log' => [ // optional
        'level' => 'info', 
        'file' => './logs/oceanengine.log',
    // ...

$app = Factory::oceanEngine($options);

// 通过auth_code 获取access_token
$oauth = $app->oauth;
$token = $oauth->getToken(true);

// 获取广告主账户余额
$fund = $app->account->fund(505397556292476);
// 获取一批广告主账户日预算 ,最多查询100个
$budget = $app->account->budget([505397556292476,...]);
// 更新广告主账户日预算
$result = $app->account->updateBudget(505397556292476, $app['account']::BUDGET_MODE_DAY, 1000);

// 拉取广告组列表
$filter = [
    'status' => 'CAMPAIGN_STATUS_ALL',
    'landing_type' => 'APP'
$adGroupList =  $app->campaign->filter($filter)->list(505397556292476);

// 拉取广告组数据报表
$filter = [
    'status' => 'CAMPAIGN_STATUS_ALL',
    'landing_type' => 'APP'
$adGroupReports = $app['campaign']->dateRange("2019-10-17","2019-10-17")
// 广告计划

// 广告创意

// 广告素材